This library is a simple wrapper for the Basic Shopify API to interact with the Shopify resources in a more friendly manner.
Currently in the works, many models are missing.
# Setting up a static connection
true, // false for public API
['key' => '9798928b7bac29a732e3c1f3646732df2', 'password' => 'dd69e76588e9008b0b8ae1dd7a7b7b59']
$product = Product::find(1624265326631);
echo "Product: {$product->title}";
$product->title = 'New Title';
echo $product->variants->first()->id;
print_r($pproduct->variants->first()->image->src); // Gets the variant image (lazy loaded)
print_r($product->variants->first()->product); // Gets product for variant (lazy loaded)
print_r($product->collections->first()->collects); // Gets collects for the collection (lazy loaded)
$count = Product::all()->count();
echo "There are {$count} products";
$variant = ProductVariant::findThrough(12999209309, $product);
echo $variant->id;
$collection = CustomCollection::find(29889201111);
echo $collection->handle;
$collect = Collect::all(['collection_id' => $collection->id]);
$products = $collect->map(function ($c) { return $c->product; });
14.00% completed
- ProductImage
- ProductVariant
- CustomCollection
- Collect
- Product
- Shop
- Asset
- Theme
- AccessScope
- StorefrontAccessToken
- Policy
- ShippingZone
- Province
- Country
- AbandonedCheckout
- DraftOrder
- Order
- OrderRisk
- Refund
- Transaction
- Payouts
- Balance
- Transactions
- SmartCollection
- Webhook
- Event
- CustomerAddress
- Customer
- CustomerSavedSearch
- User
- Multipass
- GiftCard
- ShopifyQL
- Report
- PriceRule
- DiscountCode
- Checkout
- ResourceFeedback
- ProductListing
- CollectionListing
- Payment
- InventoryItem
- Location
- InventoryLevel
- CarrierService
- FulfillmentEvent
- Fulfillment
- FulfillmentService
- Page
- Comment
- Blog
- Redirect
- ScriptTag
- BlogArticle
- UsageCharge
- ApplicationCredit
- ApplicationCharge
- RecurringApplicationCharge
Run bin/phpunit --no-coverage
for tests.
Run bin/phpunit
for full coverage.