JUST NOT BOOKS-Buy. Borrow. Rent
User Manual About: Every academic year, a lot of things gets exchanged among students within colleges and schools. This approach of borrowing items from their fellow students becomes a problem when the required item is not available within the college or it may be in use. Issues of these traditional methods can be resolved using a common platform among students from different colleges and schools. This common platform is a free-to-use website for student-to-student online uploaded and borrowed or brought items. This website operates as an inter-college online classifieds market place for used items of the students including electronic calculators, drafters, aprons etc., It is accessible through the internet. The description of the items uploaded by the lender gives borrowers a clear idea about the item. These items are categorized based on buy, borrow or donate and can be accessed easily. Borrower can contact the lender privately after requesting an item. All the irrelevant activities are controlled by the admin. This will reduce the physical efforts of students meeting different individuals in the college.
Software Requirements:
• IntelliJ IDEA • Visual Studio Code • MySQL • Node Package Manager(npm- to enable react application)
Browser of choice to download visual studio code Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined
Download IntelliJ IDEA from Download IntelliJ IDEA: The Java IDE for Professional Developers by JetBrains
Download MySQL from MySQL :: MySQL Community Downloads
Install npm from npm | get npm (npmjs.com)
Download as per the OS either windows or IOS
How to Use:
After Installing all the software set up the project as follows
• Open the backend project in the IntelliJ
• Open the Frontend code in the Visual Studio code
• To start the project, Open command prompt and run the following commands