Automatically generate code used by Cloud Firestore.
Recommend that you drop the binary from the release and use it.
Also, possible with go install
$ go install
package task
import (
//go:generate volcago Task
type Task struct {
ID string `firestore:"-" firestore_key:""`
Desc string `firestore:"description" indexer:"suffix,like" unique:""`
Done bool `firestore:"done" indexer:"equal"`
Count int `firestore:"count"`
Created time.Time `firestore:"created"`
Indexes map[string]bool `firestore:"indexes"`
By writing a line starting with go:generate
, the model for firestore will be automatically generated.
When used in SubCollection, add the argument -sub-collection
If you want to use Meta information (such as CreatedAt and Version used in optimistic exclusive lock) together,
you can invalidate it by removing the argument -disable-meta
The format of the Meta structure is as follows.
type Meta struct {
CreatedAt time.Time
CreatedBy string
UpdatedAt time.Time
UpdatedBy string
DeletedAt *time.Time
DeletedBy string
Version int
Also, one element in the struct must have an element with firestore_key:""
The type of this element must be string
ID is automatically generated by setting firestore_key:"auto"
If you execute go generate
in this state, the model will be generated in a file with the suffix _gen.go
$ go generate
If there is a tag called unique
, a document for unique constraints will be generated in another collection called Unique.
Use when you do not want to allow duplicates such as phone numbers and email addresses.
The type of this element must be string
The existence of a field called Indexes
type) enables n-gram search using xim.
Corresponding search is prefix/suffix/partial/exact match. (tag: prefix/suffix/like/equal)
Since xim uses only Unigram Bigram, it is prone to noise (eg, when 東京都
searches in 京都
, it hits).
Task.Desc = "Hello, World!".
- Partial match search
param := &model.TaskSearchParam{
Desc: model.NewQueryChainer().Filters("o, Wor", model.FilterTypeAddBiunigrams),
tasks, err := taskRepo.Search(ctx, param, nil)
if err != nil {
// error handling
- Prefix match search
param := &model.TaskSearchParam{
Desc: model.NewQueryChainer().Filters("Hell", model.FilterTypeAddPrefix),
tasks, err := taskRepo.Search(ctx, param, nil)
if err != nil {
// error handling
- Suffix match search
param := &model.TaskSearchParam{
Desc: model.NewQueryChainer().Filters("orld!", model.FilterTypeAddSuffix),
tasks, err := taskRepo.Search(ctx, param, nil)
if err != nil {
// error handling
- Exact match search
chainer := model.NewQueryChainer
param := &model.TaskSearchParam{
Desc: chainer().Filters("Hello, World!", model.FilterTypeAdd),
Done: chainer().Filters(true, model.FilterTypeAddSomething), // Use Add Something when it is not a string.
tasks, err := taskRepo.Search(ctx, param, nil)
if err != nil {
// error handling
- Paging search
param := &model.TaskSearchParam{
Done: model.NewQueryChainer().Equal(true),
CursorLimit: 5,
// CursorKey: "document id",
tasks, pagingResult, err := taskRepo.SearchByParam(ctx, param)
if err != nil {
// error handling
// pagingResult.NextPagingKey = "next document id"
The code for the query builder called query_builder_gen.go
is generated.
qb := model.NewQueryBuilder(taskRepo.GetCollection())
qb.GreaterThan("count", 3)
qb.LessThan("count", 8)
tasks, err := taskRepo.Search(ctx, nil, qb.Query())
if err != nil {
// error handling
Use a function called StrictUpdate
By using this, firestore.Increment etc. can also be used.
Uniquely constrained fields are not available.
param := &model.TaskUpdateParam{
Done: false,
Created: firestore.ServerTimestamp,
Count: firestore.Increment(1),
if err = taskRepo.StrictUpdate(ctx, id, param); err != nil {
// error handling
- Under the MIT License
- Copyright (C) 2021 go-generalize