NY Times Most Popular show as list of articles and its details when items on the list are tapped.
- MVP pattern used.
- Dagger, Retrofit, RxJava, Timber, Glide are used.
- Android X and Kotlin extension are used.
- JUnit and espresso are used for normal and connected test cases.
Build the project from the command-line
$ git clone git@github.com:gobinda99/NYTimesMostPopular.git
$ cd NYTimesMostPopular
$ ./gradlew clean assembleDebug
Run static code analysis such as linting. The result will generate on path "app/build/reports/lint-results.html"
$ ./gradlew clean lint
Run unit tests.
$ ./gradlew clean test
Run Connected Android Test. Make sure mobile device or emulator connected to machine.
$ ./gradlew clean connectedAndroidTest
All Tasks in a single command line. The reports and apk will generate in "app/build/*" repository.
$ ./gradlew clean test connectedAndroidTest lint assembleDebug
Run SonarQube from command line to generate report.
$ ./gradlew sonarqube \
-Dsonar.projectKey=gobinda99_NYTimesMostPopular \
-Dsonar.organization=gobinda99-github \
-Dsonar.host.url=https://sonarcloud.io \
Here is the link to see SonacQube Report of the project.