Simple Whatsapp bot for currency conversion using Twilio service and ExchangeRate-API
- Language detection of the incoming messages via fastText package
- Updated currency conversion values thanks to ExchanRate-API
- Developed with Python 3.7
- Flask, since we create a web application that reply to incoming WhatsApp messages
- ngrok, to connect the Flask application in the local system to a public URL that Twilio can connect to (needed in the development version at least, because the computer running the app is likely behind a router or firewall, so it isn’t directly reachable on the Internet)
- A smartphone with an active phone number and WhatsApp installed
- A Twilio account
- ExchangeRate-API API key.
To be able to run the python web application, you can install all dependencies automatically by running:
pip install requirements.txt
FastText distributes two models for language identification, which can recognize 176 languages, those are:
- lid.176.bin, which is faster and slightly more accurate, but has a file size of 126MB ;
- lid.176.ftz, which is the compressed version of the model, with a file size of 917kB.
In this project we use lid-176.bin
. See
Language identification in fastText website.
In order to make the bot works, you'll need a ExchangeRate-API API key. Once you get one,
put it in a
python file in the project as follows:
Twilio provides a WhatsApp sandbox, connect your smartphone to the sandbox. See Twilio resources and documentation for this.
Run the python web application:
The service is now running as a private service on port 5000 in the local system and will sit there waiting for incoming connections.
In another shell, run ngrok to allocate a temporary public domain that redirects HTTP requests to our local port 5000.
ngrok http 5000
You'll get something like this:
Where the forwarding URL is something like
- Build a WhatsApp Chatbot With Python from Twilio Blog
Gonzalo G. Fernández
Sistemas Inteligantes - Programa de Ingeniería de Sistemas - Universidad El Bosque, Bogotá, Colombia.