Article is a responsive and information rich website that is progressively enhanced with Augmented Reality (AR) content exposed through experimental web technologies. Check out Article in action here:
To learn more about Article, check out the blog post here:
To learn more about the technologies behind WebAR-Article, please visit:
WebAR-Article will work everywhere, desktop, tablet and mobile. However, if you want to experience WebAR-Article's AR content make sure you have installed WebARonARKit if you are on iOS or WebARonARCore on Android. If you aren't familar with these experimental browsers, please visit their respective github repository to learn how to get starting.
WebAR-Article is built using modern web development tooling, so before getting started make sure you have node and the npm package manager installed on your development machine.
Clone this repository and change directories into it and then install its dependencies.
git clone article && cd article && npm install
To view the site on desktop, start the webpack dev server by the following command:
npm run dev
Then open your browser and navigate to localhost:8000. To view Article's AR content, open either WebARonARCore on Android or WebARonARKit on iOS and navigate the browser to the IP address of the machine serving the site, followed by the port 8000: i.e. http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8000
To build the site for deployment, run the following command:
npm run build
Once built, all the build files will be in the public folder.
If you have fixes, we would love to have your contributions. Please read for more information on the process we would like contributors to follow.
Apache License Version 2.0 (see the LICENSE file inside this repo).
This is not an official Google product.