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Releases: google-fabric/velocity-react

v1.4.3 (2019-05-09)

09 May 17:07
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Adds timeout prop to Transition in test to avoid a PropTypes warning.

v1.4.2 (2018-11-14)

09 May 15:55
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Uses a element in test/server mode to keep react-dom from warning about TransitionGroup’s props placed on HTML children.

v1.4.1 (2018-04-17)

17 Apr 19:32
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Fixes false children bug #240. (Thanks for the report, @tiffanytangt!)

v1.4.0 (2018-04-12)

13 Apr 13:50
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v1.4.0 (2018-04-12):

Dependency upgrades! No new features.

  • Changes our componentWillUpdate call to componentDidUpdate to eliminate a
    React 16.3 StrictMode warning
  • Migration to react-transition-group v2
  • Switches from lodash 3 to lodash 4
  • Changes demo to use React 16.3

There still are StrictMode warnings due to react-transition-group still using
the older APIs.

v1.3.3 (2017-05-19)

19 May 20:27
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Fixes incorrect timer clearing. (Thanks, @dmeiz1)

v1.3.2 (2017-05-11)

11 May 12:48
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Fix for calling clearTimeout in IE 8. (Thanks, @prchaoz!)

Additional updates to peerDependencies around the new React 15.5-compatible libraries. (Thanks, @MichaelDeBoey!)

v1.3.1 (2017-05-09)

09 May 13:17
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Fixes React peer dependencies to specify versions that work with
prop-types. (Thanks, @MichaelDeBoey!)

v1.3.0 (2017-05-08)

08 May 17:24
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Removes warnings from React 15.5 for React 16.0 compatibility.

Converts to ES2015 classes, adds compilation on distribution.

Minor version bump due to changes around removal of isMounted checks, so there
may be some regressions.

v1.2.2 (2017-04-19)

20 Apr 01:42
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Adds interruptBehavior prop to VelocityComponent. (Thanks, @Robinfr!)

Changes to remove warnings in React 15.5 will come shortly in v1.3.

v1.2.0 (2017-01-12)

12 Jan 15:55
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This is a minor version bump due to the velocity-animate dependency getting a minor version
bump to 1.4 that may contain timing changes. See velocity-animate changes here:


Thanks to @matthewjf for helping track this down as an issue with how Velocity before 1.4
fired complete callbacks on multiple elements animating.

Bug fixes:

  • Check for presence of navigator before using it to determine if we’re running
    in a browser. (Thanks, @alampros!)
  • Fix undefined forEach method call when doing recursive cache-cleaning without
    jQuery. (Thanks, @kennygwang!)