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Add kinds to distinguish data, refs, functions
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dougalm committed May 8, 2024


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1 parent 2b6d5b3 commit 69b31a8
Showing 11 changed files with 91 additions and 102 deletions.
9 changes: 2 additions & 7 deletions src/lib/CheapReduction.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module CheapReduction
( reduceWithDecls, reduceExpr
, instantiateTyConDef, dataDefRep, unwrapNewtypeType, projType
, NonAtomRenamer (..), Visitor (..), VisitGeneric (..)
, visitAtomDefault, visitTypeDefault, Visitor2, mkStuck, mkStuckTy
, visitAtomDefault, visitTypeDefault, Visitor2, mkStuck
, visitBinders, visitPiDefault, visitAlt, toAtomVar, instantiate, withInstantiated
, bindersToVars, bindersToAtoms, instantiateNames, withInstantiatedNames, assumeConst
, repValAtom, reduceUnwrap, reduceProj, reduceSuperclassProj, typeOfApp
@@ -163,11 +163,6 @@ mkStuck x = do
ty <- queryStuckType x
return $ Stuck ty x

mkStuckTy :: EnvReader m => CStuck n -> m n (CType n)
mkStuckTy x = do
ty <- queryStuckType x
return $ StuckTy ty x

queryStuckType :: (IRRep r, EnvReader m) => Stuck r n -> m n (Type r n)
queryStuckType = \case
Var v -> return $ getType v
@@ -531,7 +526,7 @@ instance IRRep r => VisitGeneric (TyCon r) r where
RefType t -> RefType <$> visitGeneric t
TabPi t -> TabPi <$> visitGeneric t
DepPairTy t -> DepPairTy <$> visitGeneric t
TypeKind -> return TypeKind
Kind k -> return $ Kind k
DictTy t -> DictTy <$> visitGeneric t
Pi t -> Pi <$> visitGeneric t
NewtypeTyCon t -> NewtypeTyCon <$> visitGeneric t
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/lib/CheckType.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -172,7 +172,9 @@ instance IRRep r => CheckableE r (AtomVar r) where

instance IRRep r => CheckableE r (Type r) where
checkE = \case
StuckTy ty e -> uncurry StuckTy <$> checkStuck ty e
StuckTy k e -> do
(TyCon (Kind k'), e') <- checkStuck (TyCon (Kind k)) e
return $ StuckTy k' e'
TyCon e -> TyCon <$> checkE e

instance (ToBinding ann c, Color c, CheckableE r ann) => CheckableB r (BinderP c ann) where
@@ -369,7 +371,7 @@ instance IRRep r => CheckableE r (TyCon r) where
ProdType tys -> ProdType <$> mapM checkE tys
SumType cs -> SumType <$> mapM checkE cs
RefType a -> RefType <$> checkE a
TypeKind -> return TypeKind
Kind k -> return $ Kind k
Pi t -> Pi <$> checkE t
TabPi t -> TabPi <$> checkE t
NewtypeTyCon t -> NewtypeTyCon <$> checkE t
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/Err.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ data TypeErr =
| AmbiguousInferenceVar VarStr TypeStr InfVarDesc
| FFIResultTyErr TypeStr
| FFIArgTyNotScalar TypeStr
| ExpectedAType TypeStr
deriving (Show, Eq)

data MiscErr =
@@ -303,6 +304,7 @@ instance PrintableErr TypeErr where
"couldn't infer instantiation of type " <> t
MiscInfVar ->
"ambiguous type variable: " ++ infVar ++ ": " ++ ty
ExpectedAType t -> "Expected a type, got a: " ++ t

instance PrintableErr MiscErr where
printErr = \case
28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions src/lib/Generalize.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -39,16 +39,16 @@ generalizeArgs fTy argsTop = liftGeneralizerM $ runSubstReaderT idSubst do
go (Nest (WithAttrB expl b) bs) (arg:args) = do
ty' <- substM $ binderType b
arg' <- liftSubstReaderT case (ty', expl) of
(TyKind, _) -> toAtom <$> generalizeType (fromJust $ toMaybeType arg)
(TyCon (Kind TypeKind), _) -> toAtom <$> generalizeType (fromJust $ toMaybeType arg)
(TyCon (DictTy _), Inferred Nothing (Synth _)) ->
toAtom <$> generalizeDict ty' (fromJust $ toMaybeDict arg)
_ -> isData ty' >>= \case
True -> toAtom <$> emitGeneralizationParameter ty' arg
False -> do
-- Unlike in `inferRoles` in `Inference`, it's ok to have non-data,
-- non-type, non-dict arguments (e.g. a function). We just don't
-- generalize in that case.
return arg
-- _ -> isData ty' >>= \case
-- True -> toAtom <$> emitGeneralizationParameter ty' arg
-- False -> do
-- -- Unlike in `inferRoles` in `Inference`, it's ok to have non-data,
-- -- non-type, non-dict arguments (e.g. a function). We just don't
-- -- generalize in that case.
-- return arg
args'' <- extendSubst (b@>SubstVal arg') $ go bs args
return $ arg' : args''
go Empty [] = return []
@@ -127,19 +127,19 @@ traverseTyParams (TyCon ty) f = liftM TyCon $ getDistinct >>= \Distinct -> case
ClassDef _ _ _ _ _ bs _ _ <- lookupClassDef name
params' <- traverseRoleBinders f bs params
return $ DictType sn name params'
IxDictType t -> IxDictType <$> f' TypeParam TyKind t
IxDictType t -> IxDictType <$> f' TypeParam (toType $ Kind TypeKind) t
TabPi (TabPiType d (b:>iTy) resultTy) -> do
iTy' <- f' TypeParam TyKind iTy
iTy' <- f' TypeParam (toType $ Kind TypeKind) iTy
let dictTy = toType $ IxDictType iTy'
d' <- fromJust . toMaybeDict <$> f DictParam dictTy (toAtom d)
withFreshBinder (getNameHint b) iTy' \(b':>_) -> do
resultTy' <- applyRename (b@>binderName b') resultTy >>= (f' TypeParam TyKind)
resultTy' <- applyRename (b@>binderName b') resultTy >>= (f' TypeParam (toType $ Kind TypeKind))
return $ TabPi $ TabPiType d' (b':>iTy') resultTy'
BaseType b -> return $ BaseType b
ProdType tys -> ProdType <$> forM tys \t -> f' TypeParam TyKind t
ProdType tys -> ProdType <$> forM tys \t -> f' TypeParam (toType $ Kind TypeKind) t
RefType _ -> error "not implemented"
SumType tys -> SumType <$> forM tys \t -> f' TypeParam TyKind t
TypeKind -> return TypeKind
SumType tys -> SumType <$> forM tys \t -> f' TypeParam (toType $ Kind TypeKind) t
Kind k -> return $ Kind k
NewtypeTyCon con -> NewtypeTyCon <$> case con of
Nat -> return Nat
Fin n -> Fin <$> f DataParam NatTy n
53 changes: 31 additions & 22 deletions src/lib/Inference.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ withInferenceVar hint binding cont = diffStateT1 \s -> do
{-# INLINE withInferenceVar #-}

:: (Zonkable e, Emits o) => SrcId -> InfVarDesc -> Kind CoreIR o
:: (Zonkable e, Emits o) => SrcId -> InfVarDesc -> CType o
-> (forall o'. (Emits o', DExt o o') => CAtomVar o' -> SolverM i o' (e o'))
-> SolverM i o (e o)
withFreshUnificationVar sid desc k cont = do
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ withFreshUnificationVar sid desc k cont = do
{-# INLINE withFreshUnificationVar #-}

:: (Zonkable e) => SrcId -> InfVarDesc -> Kind CoreIR o
:: (Zonkable e) => SrcId -> InfVarDesc -> CType o
-> (forall o'. (DExt o o') => CAtomVar o' -> SolverM i o' (e o'))
-> SolverM i o (e o)
withFreshUnificationVarNoEmits sid desc k cont = diffStateT1 \s -> do
@@ -417,6 +417,19 @@ etaExpandPartialPi (PartialPiType appExpl expls bs reqTy) cont = do
let piTy = CorePiType appExpl expls bs' (getType body)
return $ CoreLamExpr piTy $ LamExpr bs' body

-- Expects the uexpr to be a type-like thing, including ordinary data types, pi
-- types, dict types etc.
topDownType :: forall i o. Emits o => UExpr i -> InfererM i o (CType o)
topDownType exprWithSrc@(WithSrcE sid expr) = case expr of
UPrim UTuple xs -> toType . ProdType <$> mapM checkUType xs
_ -> do
ty <- bottomUpExplicit exprWithSrc
ty' <- maybeInterpretPunsAsTyCons (Check (toType $ Kind TypeKind)) ty
ty'' <- instantiateSigma sid Infer ty'
case toMaybeType ty'' of
Nothing -> throw sid $ ExpectedAType (pprint ty'')
Just ty''' -> return ty'''

-- Doesn't introduce implicit pi binders or dependent pairs
topDownExplicit :: forall i o. Emits o => CType o -> UExpr i -> InfererM i o (CAtom o)
topDownExplicit reqTy exprWithSrc@(WithSrcE sid expr) = emitExprType sid reqTy >> case expr of
@@ -452,7 +465,7 @@ topDownExplicit reqTy exprWithSrc@(WithSrcE sid expr) = emitExprType sid reqTy >
UNatLit x -> fromNatLit sid x reqTy
UIntLit x -> fromIntLit sid x reqTy
UPrim UTuple xs -> case reqTy of
TyKind -> toAtom . ProdType <$> mapM checkUType xs
TyCon (Kind TypeKind) -> toAtom . ProdType <$> mapM checkUType xs
TyCon (ProdType reqTys) -> do
when (length reqTys /= length xs) $ throw sid $ TupleLengthMismatch (length reqTys) (length xs)
toAtom <$> ProdCon <$> forM (zip reqTys xs) \(reqTy', x) -> topDown reqTy' x
@@ -644,8 +657,8 @@ withUDecl (WithSrcB _ d) cont = case d of
bindLetPat p var cont

considerInlineAnn :: LetAnn -> CType n -> LetAnn
considerInlineAnn PlainLet TyKind = InlineLet
considerInlineAnn PlainLet (TyCon (Pi (CorePiType _ _ _ TyKind))) = InlineLet
considerInlineAnn PlainLet (TyCon (Kind _)) = InlineLet
considerInlineAnn PlainLet (TyCon (Pi (CorePiType _ _ _ (TyCon (Kind _))))) = InlineLet
considerInlineAnn ann _ = ann

@@ -785,7 +798,7 @@ buildAppConstraints appSrcId reqTy (CorePiType _ _ bs ty) = do
Check reqTy' -> [TypeConstraint appSrcId (sink reqTy') resultTy]

maybeInterpretPunsAsTyCons :: RequiredTy n -> SigmaAtom n -> InfererM i n (SigmaAtom n)
maybeInterpretPunsAsTyCons (Check TyKind) (SigmaUVar sn _ (UPunVar v)) = do
maybeInterpretPunsAsTyCons (Check (TyCon (Kind TypeKind))) (SigmaUVar sn _ (UPunVar v)) = do
let v' = UTyConVar v
ty <- getUVarType v'
return $ SigmaUVar sn ty v'
@@ -1005,7 +1018,7 @@ inferPrimArg :: Emits o => UExpr i -> InfererM i o (CAtom o)
inferPrimArg x = do
xBlock <- buildBlock $ bottomUp x
case getType xBlock of
TyKind -> reduceExpr xBlock >>= \case
TyCon (Kind TypeKind) -> reduceExpr xBlock >>= \case
Just reduced -> return reduced
_ -> throwInternal "Type args to primops must be reducible"
_ -> emit xBlock
@@ -1020,7 +1033,7 @@ matchPrimApp = \case
P.ProdType -> \ts -> return $ toAtom $ ProdType $ map (fromJust . toMaybeType) ts
P.SumType -> \ts -> return $ toAtom $ SumType $ map (fromJust . toMaybeType) ts
P.RefType -> \case ~[h, a] -> undefined -- return $ toAtom $ RefType h (fromJust $ toMaybeType a)
P.TypeKind -> \case ~[] -> return $ Con $ TyConAtom $ TypeKind
P.TypeKind -> \case ~[] -> return $ toAtom $ Kind $ TypeKind
UCon con -> case con of
P.ProdCon -> \xs -> return $ toAtom $ ProdCon xs
P.SumCon _ -> error "not supported"
@@ -1050,7 +1063,7 @@ matchPrimApp = \case
matchGenericOp op xs = do
(tyArgs, dataArgs) <- partitionEithers <$> forM xs \x -> do
case getType x of
TyKind -> do
TyCon (Kind TypeKind) -> do
Just x' <- return $ toMaybeType x
return $ Left x'
_ -> return $ Right x
@@ -1372,7 +1385,8 @@ checkInstanceParams bsTop paramsTop = go bsTop paramsTop
go :: Nest CBinder o any -> [UExpr i] -> InfererM i o [CAtom o]
go Empty [] = return []
go (Nest (b:>ty) bs) (x:xs) = do
x' <- checkUParam ty x
let msg = CantReduceType $ pprint x
x' <- withReducibleEmissions (getSrcId x) msg $ topDown (sink ty) x
Abs bs' UnitE <- applySubst (b@>SubstVal x') $ Abs bs UnitE
(x':) <$> go bs' xs
go _ _ = error "zip error"
@@ -1517,14 +1531,9 @@ bindLetPat (WithSrcB sid pat) v cont = emitExprType sid (getType v) >> case pat
emitInline atom = emitDecl noHint InlineLet $ Atom atom

checkUType :: UType i -> InfererM i o (CType o)
checkUType t = do
Just t' <- toMaybeType <$> checkUParam TyKind t
return t'

checkUParam :: Kind CoreIR o -> UType i -> InfererM i o (CAtom o)
checkUParam k uty =
withReducibleEmissions (getSrcId uty) msg $ topDownExplicit (sink k) uty
where msg = CantReduceType $ pprint uty
checkUType t = withReducibleEmissions (getSrcId t) msg do
topDownType t
where msg = CantReduceType $ pprint t

inferTabCon :: forall i o. Emits o => SrcId -> [UExpr i] -> InfererM i o (CAtom o)
inferTabCon sid xs = do
@@ -1662,8 +1671,8 @@ instance Unifiable (TyCon CoreIR) where
unify t1 t2 = case t1 of
( BaseType b ) -> do
{ BaseType b' <- matchit; guard $ b == b'}
( TypeKind ) -> do
{ TypeKind <- matchit; return () }
( Kind k ) -> do
{ Kind k' <- matchit; guard $ k == k' }
( Pi piTy ) -> do
{ Pi piTy' <- matchit; unify piTy piTy'}
( TabPi piTy) -> do
@@ -1760,7 +1769,7 @@ instance Unifiable (Abs CBinder CType) where
return UnitE

:: Zonkable e => Kind CoreIR o
:: Zonkable e => CType o
-> (forall o'. DExt o o' => CAtomVar o' -> SolverM i o' (e o'))
-> SolverM i o (e o)
withFreshSkolemName ty cont = diffStateT1 \s -> do
@@ -1895,7 +1904,7 @@ generalizeInstanceArg role ty arg cont = case role of
-- that it's valid to implement `generalizeDict` by synthesizing an entirely
-- fresh dictionary, and if we were to do that, we would infer this type
-- parameter exactly as we do here, using inference.
TypeParam -> withFreshUnificationVarNoEmits rootSrcId MiscInfVar TyKind \v -> cont $ toAtom v
TypeParam -> withFreshUnificationVarNoEmits rootSrcId MiscInfVar (toType $ Kind TypeKind) \v -> cont $ toAtom v
DictParam -> withFreshDictVarNoEmits ty (
\ty' -> case toMaybeDict (sink arg) of
Just d -> liftM toAtom $ lift11 $ generalizeDictRec ty' d
33 changes: 3 additions & 30 deletions src/lib/QueryType.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ getUVarType = \case
UPunVar v -> getStructDataConType v
UClassVar v -> do
ClassDef _ _ _ _ expls bs _ _ <- lookupClassDef v
return $ toType $ CorePiType ExplicitApp expls bs TyKind
return $ toType $ CorePiType ExplicitApp expls bs (toType $ Kind TypeKind)
UMethodVar v -> getMethodNameType v

getMethodNameType :: EnvReader m => MethodName n -> m n (CType n)
@@ -179,8 +179,8 @@ getTyConNameType :: EnvReader m => TyConName n -> m n (Type CoreIR n)
getTyConNameType v = do
TyConDef _ expls bs _ <- lookupTyCon v
case bs of
Empty -> return TyKind
_ -> return $ toType $ CorePiType ExplicitApp expls bs TyKind
Empty -> return $ toType $ Kind TypeKind
_ -> return $ toType $ CorePiType ExplicitApp expls bs $ toType $ Kind TypeKind

getDataConNameType :: EnvReader m => DataConName n -> m n (Type CoreIR n)
getDataConNameType dataCon = liftEnvReaderM $ withSubstReaderT do
@@ -284,30 +284,3 @@ liftIFunType (IFunType _ argTys resultTys) = liftEnvReaderM $ go argTys where
t:ts -> withFreshBinder noHint (toType $ BaseType t) \b -> do
PiType bs effTy <- go ts
return $ PiType (Nest b bs) effTy

-- === Data constraints ===

isData :: EnvReader m => Type CoreIR n -> m n Bool
isData ty = do
result <- liftEnvReaderT $ withSubstReaderT $ go ty
case result of
Just () -> return True
Nothing -> return False
go :: Type CoreIR i -> SubstReaderT Name (EnvReaderT Maybe) i o ()
go = \case
StuckTy _ _ -> notData
TyCon con -> case con of
TabPi (TabPiType _ b eltTy) -> renameBinders b \_ -> go eltTy
DepPairTy (DepPairType _ b@(_:>l) r) -> go l >> renameBinders b \_ -> go r
NewtypeTyCon nt -> do
(_, ty') <- unwrapNewtypeType =<< renameM nt
dropSubst $ go ty'
BaseType _ -> return ()
ProdType as -> mapM_ go as
SumType cs -> mapM_ go cs
RefType _ -> return ()
TypeKind -> notData
DictTy _ -> notData
Pi _ -> notData
where notData = empty
23 changes: 16 additions & 7 deletions src/lib/QueryTypePure.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -66,6 +66,20 @@ typeBinOp binop xTy = case binop of
typeUnOp :: UnOp -> BaseType -> BaseType
typeUnOp = const id -- All unary ops preserve the type of the input

getKind :: Type r n -> Kind
getKind = \case
StuckTy k _ -> k
TyCon con -> case con of
BaseType _ -> TypeKind
ProdType _ -> TypeKind
SumType _ -> TypeKind
TabPi _ -> TypeKind
DepPairTy _ -> TypeKind
NewtypeTyCon _ -> TypeKind
RefType _ -> RefKind
Pi _ -> FunKind
DictTy _ -> DictKind
Kind _ -> OtherKind

instance IRRep r => HasType r (AtomVar r) where
getType (AtomVar _ ty) = ty
@@ -87,13 +101,8 @@ instance HasType CoreIR (DictCon CoreIR) where
IxFin n -> toType $ IxDictType (FinTy n)
IxRawFin _ -> toType $ IxDictType IdxRepTy

instance HasType CoreIR CType where
getType = \case
TyCon _ -> TyKind
StuckTy t _ -> t

instance HasType CoreIR NewtypeTyCon where
getType _ = TyKind
getType _ = TyCon $ Kind TypeKind

getNewtypeType :: NewtypeCon n -> CType n
getNewtypeType con = case con of
@@ -110,7 +119,7 @@ instance IRRep r => HasType r (Con r) where
DepPair _ _ ty -> toType $ DepPairTy ty
DictConAtom d -> getType d
NewtypeCon con _ -> getNewtypeType con
TyConAtom _ -> TyKind
TyConAtom k -> TyCon $ Kind $ getKind $ TyCon k

getSuperclassType :: RNest CBinder n l -> Nest CBinder l l' -> Int -> CType n
getSuperclassType _ Empty = error "bad index"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lib/RuntimePrint.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ showAnyTyCon tyCon atom = case tyCon of
xs <- getUnpacked atom
parens $ sepBy ", " $ map rec xs
-- TODO: traverse the type and print out data components
TypeKind -> printAsConstant
Kind _ -> printAsConstant
Pi _ -> printTypeOnly "function"
TabPi _ -> brackets $ forEachTabElt atom \iOrd x -> do
isFirst <- emit $ BinOp (ICmp Equal) iOrd (NatVal 0)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lib/Simplify.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ getRepType (TyCon con) = case con of
-- dropSubst $ getRepType ty'
Pi _ -> error notDataType
DictTy _ -> error notDataType
TypeKind -> error notDataType
Kind _ -> error notDataType
where notDataType = "Not a type of runtime-representable data"

toDataAtomAssumeNoDecls :: CAtom i -> SimplifyM i o (SAtom o)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lib/TopLevel.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ loadModuleSource config moduleName = do
LibDirectory dir -> return dir
{-# SCC loadModuleSource #-}

getDexString :: (MonadIO1 m, EnvReader m, Fallible1 m) => Val CoreIR n -> m n String
getDexString :: (MonadIO1 m, EnvReader m, Fallible1 m) => CAtom n -> m n String
getDexString val = do
-- TODO: use a `ByteString` instead of `String`
Stuck _ (RepValAtom (RepVal _ tree)) <- return val

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