format.nvim applies formatting to the current buffer.
Main goals
- fast
- async
- no magic
I am no longer actively maintaining this plugin.
Instead I recommend to use native LSP formatting with mattn/efm-langserver or jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim.
Or for a non-LSP solution, mhartington/formatter.nvim (for which I am also a maintainer)
format.nvim is a lua plugin and only works in Neovim.
It writes the buffer content into a temporary file, runs user defined commands on that file, then writes the content back into the buffer.
Everything happens asynchronously.
There is no hidden configuration to resolve executables. The commands are run as is. If you need a specific executable, define the path in the command.
By default unsaved changes will not be overwritten, so Format
and FormatWrite
are safe to call anytime.
format.nvim supports formatting embedded blocks of code with different
command than the current filetype. For example lua << EOF
blocks in
vimscript, or code blocks in markdown.
Just specify a start and end-pattern.
There is no format on save functionality build in, the plugin only provides the
and FormatWrite
To format on save, you can put this in your vimrc
augroup Format
autocmd BufWritePost * FormatWrite
augroup END
Please see :help format.txt
for more information on configuration.
require "format".setup {
["*"] = {
{cmd = {"sed -i 's/[ \t]*$//'"}} -- remove trailing whitespace
vim = {
cmd = {"luafmt -w replace"},
start_pattern = "^lua << EOF$",
end_pattern = "^EOF$"
vimwiki = {
cmd = {"prettier -w --parser babel"},
start_pattern = "^{{{javascript$",
end_pattern = "^}}}$"
lua = {
cmd = {
return string.format("luafmt -l %s -w replace %s",, file)
go = {
cmd = {"gofmt -w", "goimports -w"},
tempfile_postfix = ".tmp"
javascript = {
{cmd = {"prettier -w", "./node_modules/.bin/eslint --fix"}}
markdown = {
{cmd = {"prettier -w"}},
cmd = {"black"},
start_pattern = "^```python$",
end_pattern = "^```$",
target = "current"
At first this was supposed to be a PR to mhartington/formatter.nvim but I ended up rewriting everything.