## Installation Install the bundle:
$ composer require gpenverne/putio-drive-sdk
Load bunle in AppKernel:
new Gpenverne\PutioDriveBundle\PutioDriveBundle(),
client_id: your-client-id
client_secret: your-client-secret
callback_route: callback_route
With your custom route in callback_route (for example, to display a success message)
Add your endpoints to your routing.yml or use our controllers endpoints:
path: /putio/callback
defaults: { _controller: putio.drive.controller:callbackAction }
path: /putio/redirect
defaults: { _controller: putio.drive.controller:redirectAction }
Call the previous created route (putio.redirect) . After access granted, user will be redirected to previous configured "callback_route" parameter
Once token obtained, "events.putio.token" event is dispatched.
This event is handled by putio drive service, and you can retrieve it using putio.drive service:
// In a controller:
$token = $this->container->get('putio.drive')->getToken();
You can use our builtin file/folder finder:
$putioDrive = $this->container->get('putio.drive');
// Retrieving a folder
$folder = $putioDrive->findByPath('/MyMovies');
// Retrieving files in the folder
// Will return FileInterface and FolderInterface
// cf. (psr-cloud-files)[https://packagist.org/packages/gpenverne/psr-cloud-files]
$files = $folder->getFiles();
// Or retrieve a full path file
// Will return FileInterface
// cf. (psr-cloud-files)[https://packagist.org/packages/gpenverne/psr-cloud-files]
$file = $putioDrive->findByPath('/MyMovies/MyMovie.mp4');
// Retrieving the download url:
$file = $putioDrive->findByPath('/MyMovies/MyMovie.mp4');
$downloadUrl = $file->getLink();
Thanks to https://github.com/nicoSWD/put.io-api-v2, you can easily make api calls:
// In a controller, using the previous catched token:
$putioApiClient = $this->container->get('putio.drive')->getApiClient();
// In a controller, using a custom token:
$putioApiClient = $this->container->get('putio.drive')->getApiClient('custom token');