Alternative to UIActivityViewController
- Vkontakte
- Odnoklassniki
- Messages
- Copy
- Camera Roll
- Maps
- Safari
- Xcode 6.3+
- Deployment Target iOS7.0+
Note: 2.0.2 — latest version with iOS5 support
- Landscape support
- Pagination
- Custom activities
- Activity customization
- ActivityViewController completion handler
- Drop-in replacement for UIActivityViewController(use same activity)
- iOS7 look and fill
- Universal message composer
The recommended way is to use CocoaPods package manager.
To install using CocoaPods open your Podfile and add:
pod 'GPActivityViewController', :git => ''
For social networks listed below should be set application callback, for more info see chapter "Application callback".
- Set up FacebookAppID property in your info.plist file, i.e. FacebookAppID = 12345678
- Set up URL scheme for facebook redirect: fbFacebookAppID , where FacebookAppID - Facebook application ID
- Set up properties OdnoklassnikiAppID, OdnoklassnikiSecretKey, OdnoklassnikiAppKey in your info.plist file.
- Set up URL scheme for redirect: okOdnoklassnikiAppID , where OdnoklassnikiAppID - Odnoklassniki application ID
- Set up VKontakteAppID property in your info.plist file
// DO NOT forget to setup application IDs in info.plist. For more info see
GPFacebookActivity *facebookActivity = [GPFacebookActivity new];
GPTwitterActivity *twitterActivity = [GPTwitterActivity new];
GPCopyActivity *copyActivity = [GPCopyActivity new];
GPMailActivity *mailActivity = [GPMailActivity new];
GPMessageActivity *messageActivity = [GPMessageActivity new];
GPOKActivity *okActivity = [GPOKActivity new];
GPVKActivity *vkActivity = [GPVKActivity new];
NSArray *activities = @[mailActivity, messageActivity, facebookActivity, twitterActivity,
vkActivity, okActivity, copyActivity];
GPActivityViewController *controller = [[GPActivityViewController alloc] initWithactivities:activities];
controller.userInfo = @{@"text":@"Message to pass to activities",
@"url":[NSURL URLWithString:@""]};
[controller presentFromBarButton:sender animated:YES];
To complete authentication you should register url-schemes and add application callbacks in application delegate:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication
annotation:(id)annotation {
// For iOS 5.X only
if ([FBSession.activeSession handleOpenURL:url]) {
return YES;
if ([[OdnoklassnikiMgr sharedInstance] handleOpenURL:url]) {
return YES;
if ([[VkontakteMgr sharedInstance] handleOpenURL:url]) {
return YES;
return NO;
// Call it when activity is finished
- (void)activityFinished:(BOOL)completed;
// Should returns string that unique identifies your activity
- (NSString *)activityType;
// Override to implement your activity behavior
- (void)performActivity;
Note for iOS5.0: if autoorientation behavior of your controller isn't match to one of GPActivityViewController you MUST subclass GPActivityViewController to override autorotation behavior or present controller modally
You also can make your custom activity using block approach:
GPActivity *myActivity = [customActivity:@"MACustomActivity" actionHandler:^(GPActivity *activity, NSDictionary *userInfo) {
// Your code here
// ...
// Activity is finished successfully
[activity activityFinished:YES];
myActivity.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"myCustom"];
myActivity.title = @"MyCustom";
You can also specify predefined acitivityInfo:
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
activity.userInfo = @{@"text":@"My custom activity",
Partially based on REActivityViewController