release CMSSW_10_6_27
Set up NanoAOD tools
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src git clone https://github.com/cms-nanoAOD/nanoAOD-tools.git PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools cd PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools cmsenv scram b
Set up VVV codes
cd python/postprocessing ##clone this repository git clone https://github.com/gqlcms/XWWNano.git analysis cd $CMSSW_BASE/src scram b
Noticed that the
is written in python3, hence thescram b
in CMSSW would leave some error message. Since this crab helper normally would not be included by other codes, you can ignore these errors. -
Substitute some outdated files with
(refer to Meng's code: https://github.com/menglu21/TTC)cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools/python/postprocessing/analysis source init.sh
cd analysis/test
source run.sh
cd crab
The crab mode is based on official nanotools. See reference: https://github.com/cms-nanoAOD/nanoAOD-tools/tree/master/crab
The crab_help.py
is designed to simplify the repeated process. And the input.json
is a sample for how to provide input for crab_help.py
. HWW_crab_script.sh
is the executed code on crab.
First you need to generate the cfg file for crab job.
python3 crab_help.py -f input.json -m prepare
It will create a folder that with cfg files inside automatically. Noticed that some paths in crab_help.py
need to be changed according to different user.
Then you can submit crab jobs with:
python3 crab_help.py -f input.json -m submit
Similarly, you can use -m status
, -m resubmit
, -m kill
to batchly operate crab jobs.
(refer to Sen's code: https://github.com/Senphy/nanoAOD-WVG)
Since crab will upload the whole directory when submitting jobs, before the submission, you should place this XWWNano
to a directory except /PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools/python/
cmsrel CMSSW_10_6_27
cd CMSSW_10_6_27/src
git clone https://github.com/cms-nanoAOD/nanoAOD-tools.git PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools
cd PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools
scram b
git clone https://github.com/gqlcms/XWWNano.git
cd XWWNano
We need to update some files for official NanoAOD-tools. Also we need to scram
the new modules.
mv modules/* $CMSSW_BASE/src/PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools/python/postprocessing/modules/
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools
scram b
cd TransferTree
The TransferTree part is used to transfer the ntuple file to new tree with branches you needed, based on RDataFrame. See reference:https://root.cern/doc/master/classROOT_1_1RDataFrame.html
The example code shows how to transfer a test root file to an output file with new tree we wants, the main code is Transfer_Tree.py
in /TransferTree/Tool/Transfer_Tree/
and deepWH_new.py
in /TransferTree/config/Intime/
By running(Of course you can run the commands in TransferTree.sh
with command line directly, and please remind to change the path according to different user):
source ./Tool/TransferTree/TransferTree.sh
The test input file named HWW2q_3m_Skim.root
can be transfered to a output file HWW2q_3m_Tree.root
, with a new tree NewTree
and new branch deepWH
in it.
cd Makeplots
option contains MC
, the y
option contains 16
, and the REGION
option contains the selection or region defines by users, like PS2
, etc.
For example,run the Makeplots_XWW.py
python Makeplots_XWW.py --MODE DECO --REGION PS2 --y 17
Please remind to change the path according to different user.
This directory is about the signal sample production using Powheg. For detail about Powheg, see reference: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/PowhegBOXPrecompiled
Create a CMSSW work area:
cmsrel CMSSW_9_3_0
cd CMSSW_9_3_0/src
Checkout the scripts:
git clone https://github.com/cms-sw/genproductions.git genproductions
cd genproductions/bin/Powheg
Get the inputs card files, while there are two modifications needed:
mkdir gg_H
cd gg_H
wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cms-sw/genproductions/master/bin/Powheg/examples/gg_H_quark-mass-effects_withJHUGen_NNPDF30_13TeV/gg_H_quark-mass-effects_NNPDF30_13TeV.input
wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cms-sw/genproductions/master/bin/Powheg/examples/gg_H_quark-mass-effects_withJHUGen_NNPDF30_13TeV/JHUGen.input
The first modification is to use 325300 for 5f scheme:
vi gg_H_quark-mass-effects_NNPDF30_13TeV.input
Change lhans1 260000 ! pdf set for hadron 1 (LHA numbering)
to lhans1 325300 ! pdf set for hadron 1 (LHA numbering)
The second modification is on JHUGen side, change the decay mode.(See reference: https://spin.pha.jhu.edu/Manual.pdf):
vi JHUGen.input
For 4q final state, change Collider=1 PChannel=0 Process=0 Unweighted=1 DecayMode1=0 DecayMode2=0 OffshellX=0
to Collider=1 PChannel=0 Process=0 Unweighted=1 DecayMode1=5 DecayMode2=5 OffshellX=0
cd ..
python ./run_pwg_condor.py -p f -i gg_H/gg_H_quark-mass-effects_NNPDF30_13TeV.input -m gg_H_quark-mass-effects -f my_ggH -q longlunch -n 1000
The definition for the input parameters:
grid production stage [0] (compiling source)
intput card name [powheg.input]
process name (process defined in POWHEG)
working folder [my_ggH]
job flavor / batch queue name (run locally if not specified)
Then, a tar ball with the name my_ggH_gg_H_quark-mass-effects_<SCRAM_ARCH>_<CMSSW_VERSION>.tgz
will be created.
For technology detail, See : https://indico.cern.ch/event/1078192/contributions/4534876/attachments/2315996/3942533/ggHWW4qPowhegSitianSep24.pdf
For condor submitting jobs:
cd XWWNano/Powheg
mkdir log
condor submit submit_nanov9.jdl
generate customized nanoAOD with addtional fatJets taggers
- test condor scripts, for example:
python Condor.py --DAS DAS_2016_Common --Filesjson 'json file used for storing input files' --createfilejson --debugkeepN 2 --debug
python Condor.py --DAS DAS_2016_Common --Filesjson 'json file used for storing input files' --outputPath "output path" --year 2016 --excutable "exe for UL16 data" --TaskFolder "folders keep condor submit files and log files" --submitsh "submit scripts" --Condor
sh submit_test.sh
- submit condor jobs, for example: mc:
python Condor.py --DAS DAS_2016_Common --Filesjson 'json file used for storing input files' --createfilejson
python Condor.py --DAS DAS_2016_Common --Filesjson 'json file used for storing input files' --outputPath "output path" --year 2016 --excutable "exe for UL16 data" --TaskFolder "folders keep condor submit files and log files" --submitsh "submit scripts" --Condor
sh "submit scripts"
In TransferTree directory, we have 2 TransferTree frameworks for gKK and HWW, respectively, for now:gKK
In the future, we consider to add different modes and so to merge these 2 frameworks together, and let users to run in one frameworks.
Now, for example, to run the HWW TransferTree framework, similar in gKK TransferTree framework:
First, compile the C files:
cd XWWNano/TransferTree/HWW
root -l
Then, in root space,
After compiling successfully, runEDBR2PKUTree.py can be used: For example, with signal ntuples:
python runEDBR2PKUTree.py --inputfile "YOUR INPUT FILES" --outputfile "YOUR OUTPUT FILES" --year "YOUR SAMPLE YEAR" --sampleXS "YOUR SAMPLE XS" --channel "had" -S
In condor
directory under cmsconnect.
For submitting jobs without VBF modules.
- Create json file
python Condor.py --DAS "Samples dir on cmsconnect" --Filesjson "json file dir on cmsconnect" --createfilejson
2.Create submit.cmd to be submitted on condor, using UL18A for example.
python Condor.py --DAS "Samples dir on cmsconnect" --Filesjson "json file dir on cmsconnect" --outputPath "" --year 2018 --excutable "exe_Ntuple_data.sh" --TaskFolder "dir on cmsconnect for condor log" --submitsh "sh file dir on cmsconnect" --Condor --Input "x509up_u100637,Scripts/fetchFiles.py" --AddtionalArgs "-a '-o ./ -d --year UL2018A'" --MODE XWWNano
For submitting jobs with VBF modules.
- Create json file
python Condor.py --DAS "Samples dir on cmsconnect" --Filesjson "json file dir on cmsconnect" --createfilejson
2.Create submit.cmd to be submitted on condor, using UL18A for example.
python Condor.py --DAS "Samples dir on cmsconnect" --Filesjson "json file dir on cmsconnect" --outputPath "" --year 2018 --excutable "exe_Ntuple_data_XWW.sh" --TaskFolder "dir on cmsconnect for condor log" --submitsh "sh file dir on cmsconnect" --Condor --Input "x509up_u100637,Scripts/fetchFiles.py" --AddtionalArgs "-a '-o ./ -d --year UL2018A'" --MODE XWWNano
Please notice to change the vom id for different users.