A polymer compatible reusable web element providing a solution for filtering a list of items before displaying them. This component also supports use of custom filter functions using the f
bower install --save grafitto/grafitto-filter
View the API and Demo Here
<paper-input label="Filter" id="like"></paper-input>
<paper-checkbox class="styled" id="i" raised>
<span class="subtitle">
Enable case sensitivity
<grafitto-filter where="name" like="" as="vitu">
<iron-list items=[[vitu]] as="item">
<paper-item-body two-line>
<div class="small" secondary>{{item.code}}</div>
var items = [
{"code": "+678","name": "Vanuatu"},
{"code": "+58","name": "Venezuela"},
{"code": "+84","name": "Vietnam"},
{"code": "+1 808","name": "Wake Island"},
{"code": "+681","name": "Wallis and Futuna"},
{"code": "+967","name": "Yemen"},
{"code": "+260","name": "Zambia"}
var f = document.querySelector("grafitto-filter");
f.items = items;
//Set case sensitivity event handler
document.getElementById("i").addEventListener("checked-changed", function(e){
f.caseSensitive = e.detail.value;
//Listen for value changed
document.getElementById("like").addEventListener("value-changed", function(from, to){
f.like = from.detail.value;
var array = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven"];
<grafitto-filter item=[[array]] like="o" as="vitu">
<iron-list items=[[vitu]] as="item">
</template> </grafitto-filter>
var data = [
home: "Thika"
name: "Doe",
home: "Nairobi"
Example using dom-repeat
<grafitto-filter items='[[data]]' where="name" like="Doe" as="vitu">
<template is="dom-repeat" items=[[vitu]] as="item">
Example using iron-list
<grafitto-filter items=[[data]] where="name" like="Doe" as="vitu">
<iron-list items=[[vitu]] as="item">
Just incase you are wondering, vitu
means items
in Swahili :-)
Note: When a simple array E.g ["one","two","three","four"]
is provided, the where
attribute is ignored and filtering done on the array items themselves.
Also an array of numbers behave like an array of strings when filtering.
also supports complex objects. consider:
var complexObj = [
name: {
first: "Thomas",
second: "Kimtu"
home: "Thika"
name: {
first: "John",
second: "Doe"
home: "Othaya"
name: {
first: "Clement",
second: "Wainaina"
home: "Nakuru"
Here is an example using the complexObj
object above
<grafitto-filter items=[[complexObj]] where="name.first" like="tho" as="vitu">
<iron-list items=[[vitu]] as="item">
<div>{{item.name.first}} {{item.name.second}}, {{item.home}}</div>
You can also use your custom function to filter the items provided.
The function receives a single item
of the items provided and should return a boolean
<dom-module id="your-element">
<grafitto-filter items=[[data]] id="filter" as="vitu">
<iron-list items=[[vitu]] as="item">
<div>{{item.name}}, {{item.home}}</div>
is: "your-element",
properties: {
data: {
type: Array,
value: [
"home": "Thika"
"name": "Doe",
"home": "Nairobi"
ready: function(){
this.$.filter.f = function(item){
return item.name == "Doe";
//Then you can call filter() function to trigger filter
is taken as a regular expression so remember to escape any characters that you don't want interpreted by the regular expression engine.