A few months as I was learning about compiler design, I came up with the project Rook. Rook Is a very simple programming language I am making for fun.
- I am not a professional in programming language design. I barely know anything about programming languages.
- The language is barely tested, therefore its possible that there are tonnes of errors unearthed. For example the error reporter is drunk.
- Unary operators are not supported yet.
- I know the compiler is written in C#.
Print("Hello world!");
//Print is an inbuilt function used to print to the console.
Before we dive deep into Rook, A few points are worth noting.
- Variable names can only contain alphabets and an underscore (_) (for now).
- Only decimal numbers are supported (for now).
- Everything in Rook is an object.
- EVERY STATEMENT in Rook returns a value. I mean EVERY STATEMENT even an assingment. An assignment statement returns the currently assigned value
The language has very few basic data types. These are:
- Numbers.
- Strings.
- Booleans.
- Null.
Numbers are, well numbers. All numbers in Rook are in double precision.
let number := 10;
let numberTwo := 0.453;
let numberThree := 45.034;
let another := 34 + 45 / 456 * 2; //Expressions are also supported
// Rook follows JavaScripts Precedence rules
Numbers contain a few methods:
Number Functions
Since unary operators are not supported yet, Numbers have a Negate
property that returns a negated new number.
let negatedOne := 10.Negate; //-10
let negatedTwo := negatedOne.Negate; //10
let sqrt := 10.Sqrt; //Square root
let sqr := 10.Sqr; //Square
let exponential := 10.Exp; //Exponential
let absolute := 10.Abs; //Absolute
let cosine := 10.Cos; //Cosine
let sine := 10.Sin; //Sine
let power := 10.Power(2); //10 Power 2 => 100
let log := 10.Log(10); //Log base 10 of 10
Strings are textual data. "
is used to surround string data.
can be used to excape characters but special characters E.g \n
and others are not supported yet.
let string := "Hello world!";
Strings contain a few methods:
or Concat
method can be used to concatnate strings.
let string := "Hello" + " world!";
//A + can be used to concatnate strings
let stringTwo := string.Concat("again");
let stringThree := "Another".Concat(" string");
//Using Concat method.
property which converts a string to a Number.
let s := "200";
s.ToNumber; // Returns 200 as a number
"200".ToNumber; // is also valid
A boolean is a simpe true/false value.
let trueValue := True;
let falseValue := False;
Booleans can also be computed. Example:
let bool := True || False;
let boolTwo := True && True || False;
Strings with "False" (without quotes), "Null" (without quotes) or empty strings are casted to False
when using them as booleans, everything else is casted to True
let bool := "Test" || False; // Returns True
Numbers are not implicitly converted to Booleans yet. But if you wanted to use numbers, you could use numbers as follows:
let bool := 0 == 0 || False; // Returns True
let x := 12;
let isGreaterThanTen := x > 10; // This returns False
Null in Rook is an equivalent to nothing.
let x: // Rook assigns Null to x implicitly
let y := Null; // Or you could explicitly assign Null
Lists in Rook are almost equivalent to Python lists. They are initialised with []
for empty lists. They can take any of Rook's basic types.
let list := []; // Initializes an empty list
let listTwo := ["string", Null, False, 23]; // Can accept any type
Lists contains a few methods:
Used to add an item at the end of the list
let list := [];
list.Add(10); // [10]
list.Add(20); // [10, 20]
list.Add(30); // [10, 20, 30]
list.Add("end"); // [10, 20, 30, "end"]
list[0] := 45; // [45, 20, 30, "end"]
let x := list[3]; // x is now "end"
list.Length; //Returns the number of items on the list
Lets go through functions and function calls before if statements. There is a good reason. Trust me.
All functions in Rook are higher order functions. They can be passed as parameters and returned as return values.
Functions are denoted by {
and }
so everything between those two curly brackets are considered within the function.
let f := {} // This is an empty function
All functions return a value. Empty functions return Null
There is no return statement in Rook. The value of the last statement is returned instead.
let here := { 10; } //Function here would returh 10
// And since every statement returns a value, even assignments..
let there := {
let x := 10;
// Then the above function would also return 10;
Functions with arguments
If you are defining a function that expects parameters, you use :( [params] )
immedietly after {
let Power := {:(num, pow)
let x := Power(10, 2)
//Value x would be 100, thats 10 power 2
Rook supports nested functions, but inner functions are only accessible locally. Its impossible to call a function within another function while outside the parent scope unless the inner function is the return value. (Still debating whether to use .
notation to access inner functions globally...)
Function calls
Function calls are similar to most programming languages
FunctionName(); // A function which does not accept any parameters
FunctionName(10, 30); // Calling a function that accepts 2 params
// Etc
If - then - else is the only conditional statement in Rook. The else part is optional.
Remember every statement in Rook returns a value? Well, even an if
statement is not an exception.
//if condition then Expression | Function call | function else Expression | Function call | Function
if 10 > 20 then 10 else 20;
//Brackets on if condition is not a must
if(10 > 20) then 10 else 20; // This is still valid
if 20 <= 34 then f() else g() // f and g are imaginary functions
if 10 == 20 then 400; // this evaluates to Null
//Remember if statement returns a value, well...
let x := if 40 > 20 then 400 else 200 + 34; //x => 300
A function definition is also valid after then
or else
let n := if True then {
} else {
// n will evaluate to 10
For now, its not possible to use both function definition and an Expression on the same if statement. (Its a bug)
let s := if False then 10 else { 200; } // This will fail
let g := if False then 10 else 200; // This is also correct
let f := if False then { 10; } else { 200; } // This is correct
Conventional loop statements like while
are not supported in Rook. However, Recursion is fully supported.
For example, Printing 1 - 10 can be done as follows:
let Printer := {:(start, end)
if start >= end then {
else {
Printer(start + 1, end);
//Then call printer
Printer(1, 10);
I am debating whether to add conventional loops, still undecided :)
Below is are a few simple algorithms that runs on Rook
* This function gets the age and returns the ticket
let CalculateTicket := {:(age)
let basePrice := 100;
if age >= 18 then basePrice + 300 else basePrice + 100;
* This function calculates the age
* @params birthYear Number
* @return age Number
let GetAge := {:(birthYear)
2018 - birthYear;
Print("Welcome to IMAX movie theatre.");
Print("We would like a few of you details.");
let s := Read("Enter your birth year: ").ToNumber;
let age := GetAge(s);
let ticket := CalculateTicket(age);
let ans := "Your ticket is: ".Concat(ticket).Concat(". enjoy!");
// This is a comment
let Printer := {:(list, index)
if index != list.Length - 1 then Printer(list, index + 1);
let Populate := {
let items := [];
let s := Read("Enter a number to add to a list(q to quit): ");
if s == "q" then {
if items.Length > 0 then {
Print("Here are the contents of the list:");
Printer(items, 0);
} else {
Print("The list has no items to display");
} else {