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#                                                                    #
#         ConPADE: Contig Ploidy and Allele Dosage Estimation        #
#                                                                    #
#                                                                    #
# Version 1.0-4                                                      #
# Last updated: 10/30/2015                                           #
#                                                                    #

For licensing information, please read file LICENSE.txt distributed with this package


Installing from source:

- ConPADE is written in C# and can be built with any compatible compiler (Visual Studio, Xamarin Studio or MonoDevelop)
- To compile ConPADE from source, you need to link against the .NET Bio libraries. These can be found at

After successfully building the binaries, make sure you also have the error model files (errorModel.bin and substModel.bin) from the main distribution folder.


First steps:

To run a sample data set, simply open a command line, navigate to the ConPADE folder and type


or issue the command

\YourWorkingDirectory\ConPADE -bamName TestData.bam

Make sure all downloaded files are in the folder.


Result files:

Default behavior is to produce three files from the input BAM file.
- ploidy: one line per contig, with the second column indicating the most likely ploidy, followed by the log-likelihoods for each evaluated ploidy
- readStats: read usage statistics, a table containing information on numbers of aligned reads and base pairs for each contig
- SNP: a table with identified variants, one SNP per line

Optionally, argument -splitContigs can be used to produce four files for each individual contig.
- logLikelihoods: contains log-likelihoods for each evaluated ploidy
- ploidy: a single integer indicating the most likely ploidy
- readStats: read usage statistics
- SNP: a table with identified variants


To get help on usage and detailed information about arguments, open a command line, navigate to the ConPADE folder and type



Version changes:

* 1.0-1
- Using updated .Net Bio version 2.0 to fix BAM parsing
- Output is now combined for all contigs (there is an option to split files for individual contigs)
- Changed argument from -bamNames to -bamName

* 1.0-2
- Bug fix: properly ignore not aligned reads

* 1.0-3
- Bug fix: added support for dummy reads in BAM file
- Bug fix: hard-clipped sequences are now correctly parsed

* 1.0-4
- First source code release
- Removed dependency on Escience.dll


Contig Ploidy and Allele Dosage Estimation







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