Backs up a GitHub organization's repositories and all their associated information for archival purposes.
- Git data (change history, tags, branches, etc.)
- Wikis (including change history)
- Issues and pull request (including comments, current state, etc.)
- Teams (including members and repository permissions)
- Ruby
- A GitHub personal access token with
git clone
cd github-records-archiver
gem install bundler
bundle install
bin/archive [ORGANIZATION]
You'll want to set the following environmental variable:
- Your personal access token
You may set the following environmental variables:
to specify the output directory. It will default to./archive
- The organization to archive if none is passed as an argument.
These can be passed as GITHUB_TOKEN=123ABC GITHUB_ORGANIZATION=whitehouse bin/archive
You can also add the values to a .env
file in the project's root directory, which will be automatically set as environmental variables.
The script will create an archive
directory, with one folder for each repository.
Within each folder will be the repository content as a git repository.
If the repository has a Wiki, the wiki will be cloned as a wiki
subfolder, as a Git repository.
If the repository has issues or pull requests, it will create an issues
sub-folder with each issue and its associated comments stored as both markdown (human readable) and JSON (machine readable).