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How to use

  • Import the latest package into your project
  • Initialize your ingame as early as possible (e.g Game Start)

Example of initialization

	.add_command("joke", function() {
				"I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down!",
				"Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!",
				"I used to be a baker, but I couldn't make enough dough."
	.add_command("spawn", function(_params) {
		var _format_message = "Format: spawn item_id amount";
		if(array_length(_params) == 2) {
			var _item_id = _params[0];
			var _amount = _params[1];
			log_info($"Spawned {_item_id} {_amount} times");
		} else {

Global Functions

init_ingame_console() : RETURNS obj_gm_ingame_console

Creates a singleton console.

log_error(message : string)

Adds an error message to the console output.

log_warn(message : string)

Adds an warning message to the console output.

log_info(message : string)

Adds an info message to the console outout.

Methods of obj_gm_ingame_console

.add_command(command_initializer : string, callback : function) : RETURNS obj_gm_ingame_console

Adds a command. Callback will be called with the parameters entered in the console.

.set_font(font : Asset) : RETURNS obj_gm_ingame_console

Sets the font to be displayed in the console

.set_max_output_number(number : int) : RETURNS obj_gm_ingame_console

Sets the maximum amount of messages to be displayed in the console (default: 40)