A seamless integration between Claude Code AI assistant and Neovim
Features β’ Requirements β’ Installation β’ Configuration β’ Usage β’ Contributing β’ Discussions

This plugin was built entirely with Claude Code in a Neovim terminal, and then inside itself using Claude Code for everything!
- π Toggle Claude Code in a terminal window with a single key press
- π Automatically detect and reload files modified by Claude Code
- β‘ Real-time buffer updates when files are changed externally
- π± Customizable window position and size
- π€ Integration with which-key (if available)
- π Automatically uses git project root as working directory (when available)
- 𧩠Modular and maintainable code structure
- π Type annotations with LuaCATS for better IDE support
- β Configuration validation to prevent errors
- π§ͺ Testing framework for reliability (44 comprehensive tests)
- Neovim 0.7.0 or later
- Claude Code CLI tool installed and available in your PATH
- plenary.nvim (dependency for git operations)
See CHANGELOG.md for version history and updates.
Using lazy.nvim
return {
dependencies = {
"nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", -- Required for git operations
config = function()
Using packer.nvim
use {
requires = {
'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim', -- Required for git operations
config = function()
Using vim-plug
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'greggh/claude-code.nvim'
" After installing, add this to your init.vim:
" lua require('claude-code').setup()
The plugin can be configured by passing a table to the setup
function. Here's the default configuration:
-- Terminal window settings
window = {
height_ratio = 0.3, -- Percentage of screen height for the terminal window
position = "botright", -- Position of the window: "botright", "topleft", etc.
enter_insert = true, -- Whether to enter insert mode when opening Claude Code
hide_numbers = true, -- Hide line numbers in the terminal window
hide_signcolumn = true, -- Hide the sign column in the terminal window
-- File refresh settings
refresh = {
enable = true, -- Enable file change detection
updatetime = 100, -- updatetime when Claude Code is active (milliseconds)
timer_interval = 1000, -- How often to check for file changes (milliseconds)
show_notifications = true, -- Show notification when files are reloaded
-- Git project settings
git = {
use_git_root = true, -- Set CWD to git root when opening Claude Code (if in git project)
-- Command settings
command = "claude", -- Command used to launch Claude Code
-- Keymaps
keymaps = {
toggle = {
normal = "<C-,>", -- Normal mode keymap for toggling Claude Code, false to disable
terminal = "<C-,>", -- Terminal mode keymap for toggling Claude Code, false to disable
window_navigation = true, -- Enable window navigation keymaps (<C-h/j/k/l>)
scrolling = true, -- Enable scrolling keymaps (<C-f/b>) for page up/down
" In your Vim/Neovim commands or init file:
-- Or from Lua:
-- Or map to a key:
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>cc', '<cmd>ClaudeCode<CR>', { desc = 'Toggle Claude Code' })
- Toggle the Claude Code terminal window
Default key mappings:
- Toggle Claude Code terminal window (normal mode)<C-,>
- Toggle Claude Code terminal window (both normal and terminal modes)
Additionally, when in the Claude Code terminal:
- Move to the window on the left<C-j>
- Move to the window below<C-k>
- Move to the window above<C-l>
- Move to the window on the right<C-f>
- Scroll full-page down<C-b>
- Scroll full-page up
Note: After scrolling with <C-f>
or <C-b>
, you'll need to press the i
key to re-enter insert mode so you can continue typing to Claude Code.
When Claude Code modifies files that are open in Neovim, they'll be automatically reloaded.
This plugin:
- Creates a terminal buffer running the Claude Code CLI
- Sets up autocommands to detect file changes on disk
- Automatically reloads files when they're modified by Claude Code
- Provides convenient keymaps and commands for toggling the terminal
- Automatically detects git repositories and sets working directory to the git root
Contributions are welcome! Please check out our contribution guidelines for details on how to get started.
MIT License - See LICENSE for more information.
For a complete guide on setting up a development environment, installing all required tools, and understanding the project structure, please refer to DEVELOPMENT.md.
The project includes comprehensive setup for development:
- Complete installation instructions for all platforms in DEVELOPMENT.md
- Pre-commit hooks for code quality
- Testing framework with 44 comprehensive tests
- Linting and formatting tools
- Weekly dependency updates workflow for Claude CLI and actions
# Run tests
make test
# Check code quality
make lint
# Set up pre-commit hooks
# Format code
make format
- GitHub Discussions - Get help, share ideas, and connect with other users
- GitHub Issues - Report bugs or suggest features
- GitHub Pull Requests - Contribute to the project
- Claude Code by Anthropic - This plugin was entirely built using Claude Code. Development cost: $5.42 with 17m 12.9s of API time
- Plenary.nvim - Core dependency for testing framework and Git operations
- Semantic Versioning - Versioning standard used in this project
- Contributor Covenant - Code of Conduct standard
- Keep a Changelog - Changelog format
- LuaCATS - Type annotations for better IDE support
- StyLua - Lua code formatter
- Luacheck - Lua static analyzer and linter
Made with β€οΈ by Gregg Housh