- TypeScript
- React + React-Router + Recoil
- Material-UI
- ServiceWorker for PWA
- Jest Snapshot/Unit Tests with Code Coverage (enzyme)
- Jest + Puppeteer (screenshots from submodule) E2E Tests
- Storybook (publish via CI into submodule)
- ESM (development or build)
- Webpack (development or build)
- Rollup for Vendor as ESM
- GitHub CI Integration (feature, development, master, release)
- Code Quality via Code Climate
- Docker Container (nginx with ssl)
- clsx
- d3-array
- d3-color
- d3-format
- d3-interpolate
- d3-path
- d3-scale
- d3-shape
- d3-time
- d3-time-format
- @devexpress
- dx-react-chart
- dx-react-chart-material-ui
- dx-react-core
- es-module-shims
- faker
- @fortawesome
- fontawesome-svg-core
- free-brands-svg-icons
- free-regular-svg-icons
- free-solid-svg-icons
- react-fontawesome
- gsap
- idb
- @material-ui
- core
- icons
- lab
- styles
- mdi-material-ui
- object-assign
- prop-types
- react
- react-dom
- react-is
- react-router
- react-router-dom
- react-smooth
- react-transition-group
- recharts
- recharts-scale
- recoil
- scheduler
- workbox-window
GitHub | Coveralls | |
git clone --recursive https://github.com/gregoranders/ts-react-playground
npm install
npm run build:webpack
npm run build:esm
Test using Jest
npm test
npm run e2e
npm start
npm run watch-script
npm run watch-scss
npm run watch-livereload
Code Climate Checks docker required
npm run codeclimate
npm run storybook
npm run clear