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An extensible Neovim plugin for quickly toggling options.

Toggle is a modern, extensible Neovim Lua plugin for toggling options ala unimpaired.vim. The main use-case is to be able to quickly change something about your editing session. Consider the following scenarios:

  • You usually have nowrap on, but sometimes you need to turn on wrapping for those long lines to see what’s going on.
  • You want to quickly diff two buffers by setting diffthis on them.
  • Completion turns out to be useless for the current buffer, so you want to quickly disable it.
  • You usually work with conceallevel, but you need to decrease it from time to time to double check your Markdown.

If any of the above happen to you, then Toggle is worth a try!

Example session

tty Which Key integration

⚡️ Requirements

  • Neovim 0.10+
  • Optional plugin dependencies:

📦 Installation

Install the plugin with your preferred package manager, such as Lazy:

  [1] = "gregorias/toggle.nvim",
  version = "2.0",
  config = true,

🚀 Usage

Toggle uses yo, because y looks like a toggle turned upside down.

  • To open a dashboard of options, use yos in normal mode.
  • To toggle an option, use yo plus OPTION_KEYMAP. For example, yob switches the current background.
  • To turn on an option or switch to its next state, use ]o plus OPTION_KEYMAP. For the opposite, use [o.

🛠️ Configuration


The default configuration setup looks like so:

  keymaps = {
    toggle_option_prefix = "yo",
    previous_option_prefix = "[o",
    next_option_prefix = "]o",
    status_dashboard = "yos"
  -- The interface for registering keymaps.
  keymap_registry = require("toggle.keymap").keymap_registry(),
  -- See the default options section below.
  options_by_keymap = …,
  --- Whether to notify when a default option is set.
  notify_on_set_default_option = true,

Default options

All default options use vim.notify for state changes.

Option Keymap Description
background b dark-light switch
conceallevel cl 0–3 slider with 0-sticky toggle
cursorline - on-off switch for cursorline
diff d on-off switch for diffthis/diffoff
diff all D option for diffing all visible windows
list l on-off switch for list
number n on-off switch for number
relativenumber r on-off switch for relativenumber
wrap w on-off switch for wrap

Adding an option

You can define and add new options using the register function. For example, below is a snippet that registers an inlay hint buffer-local option with notifications:

-- This snippet happens in the context of an LSP attach event after checking
-- that the language server supports inlay hints.
local bufnr =-- the current buffer
local toggle = require"toggle"
  -- Disables or enables inlay hints for the current buffer.
    name = "inlay hints",
    get_state = function()
      return vim.lsp.inlay_hint.is_enabled({ bufnr = bufnr })
    set_state = function(new_value)
      vim.lsp.inlay_hint.enable(new_value, { bufnr = bufnr })
  { buffer = bufnr }

For more examples, see default-options.lua.

✅ Comparison to Unimpaired

Unimpaired has more scope than Toggle, but it’s less extensible.

Feature Toggle Unimpaired
Which Key integration
nvim-notify integration
Extensible options
Configurable keybindings
Slider (non-binary) option support

🙏 Acknowledgments

The idea of quickly toggling options using yo, [o ]o came from unimpaired.vim.

The toggle SVG is a modified toggle icon from Arthur Shlain.

🔗 See also

  • Coop — My Neovim plugin for structured concurrency with coroutines.
  • Coerce — My Neovim plugin for case coercion.


A Neovim plugin for toggling options.






