Batch/sh file for mass replace of all "pretty" names in D'LIRIUM Object Types ().JSON with game system names .
To execute the script on windows :
- Place bat file in to the "Map Editor" folder (near D'LIRIUM Object Types ().JSON) .
- copy in to this folder "gsar.exe" (
- Run bat file .
To execute the script on linux :
- Place sh file in to the "Map Editor" folder (near D'LIRIUM Object Types ().JSON) .
- (Optionally) Download source code of "gsar" ( , compile it (just execute "makefile") and copy compiled binary file "gsar" in to "Map Editor" folder . You can use script without "gsar" (sh script will use built in "sed" command instead of gsar) , but "gsar" make work done in a few seconds , while "sed" will take a few minutes .
- Run sh file .