Try it: Google DeepMind AlphaGo uses enhancement learning and the algorithm is a composite of
- Policy Network
- Value Network
- Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS)
npm install
npm start // build and launch its live dev web server.
After npm start
, you can also use VS Code
with Debugger for Chrome
extension to debug.
This project has been migrated to TypeScript and now uses Vite! You can:
npm run dev # Start Vite development server
npm run start # Alias for npm run dev
npm run build # Build production bundle
npm run preview # Preview production build
npm run typecheck # Run TypeScript check without emitting files
npm run ts:watch # Watch for TypeScript errors in real-time
See for more details on the TypeScript conversion.
npm run deploy
Ported the algorithms from alpha-zero-general. Although its name is
, it is based on AlphaGo Zero algorithm. -
Import pretrained models from alpha-zero-general and run alphago game algorithms on Browsers.
is a project to supply general game AI training frameworks. You can extend that project and add yourself game rule codes and train AI model by using Python.
Fix bugs to train models by this JavaScript version project. It may be a TensorFlow.js bug. Maybe waitting for native TensorFlow Node.js binding is better than WebGL solution.Add UI.- Clean up. (50%)
- Use service worker for cpu heavy loading part.
Use TypeScript instead(Done! See
To overcome some API limitation (Tensorflow.js export/save model/weights), so this JavaScript repo borrows one of the features of AlphaZero, always accept trained model after each iteration without comparing to previous version