maps exported XML configuration (from Juniper network devices) to python
classes. It is compatible only with Junipers' xml configuration and is developed
to work alongside ncclient.
nxpy allows for retrieving the device configuration in xml format (using either netconf or "show configuration | display xml" via an expect script), transform the configuration to python classes in order to manipulate them (view, edit, delete). After editing, the configuration can be applied back to the device via netconf or cli expect.
Furthermore, it allows for building configuration via python classes, and apply it to the device(s) via netconf or cli expect. For the time, it supports limited configuration changes.
As of v0.4.2, nxpy is available on Pypi, so you can install with pip:
pip install juniper-nxpy
Or you can install manually. After cloning the project run:
python setup.py install
- Python 2.6 <= version < 3.0
- lxml (tested with 2.2.6)
- Configuration
- Interfaces
- Vlans
- Interface
- Name
- Description
- Unit(s)
- Vlan
- Name
- Vlan Id
- Unit
- Name
- Description
- Vlan Id
- Family
- Name
- Addresses
- Address
- Name
- Vlan Members
- Grab the configuration in xml format
XML configuration can be retrieved from devices that support export to XML:
- via netconf
- via cli
- via cli expect scripts.
You can use also run "show configuration | display xml" (and copy paste the output to a file), or use an automated cli excpect script or invoke netconf.
- Feed the configuration to nxpy
import nxpy as np
conf = np.Parser(<configuration_file_OR_configuration_text>)
conf = conf.export()
To check if it worked:
(...you should get the list of device interfaces)
You can also create configuration from scratch:
from lxml import etree as ET
import nxpy as np
device = np.Device()
ifce = np.Interface()
ifce.name = 'ge-0/0/0'
ifce.description = 'NEW_DESCRIPTION'
device = device.export()
configuration = ET.tostring(device)
print configuration
This will return XML formatted device configuration.
You can use ncclient to apply the configuration created in the previous example:
# import the ncclient library
from ncclient import manager
# AND replace:
device = device.export()
# with:
device = device.export(netconf_config=True)
# to make configuration netconf-compatible
# Now to pass configuration to device:
with manager.connect(host=<HOSTNAME>, port=830, username=<USERNAME>, password=<PASSWORD>) as m:
m.edit_config(target='candidate', config=configuration, test_option='test-then-set')
m.commit(confirmed=True, timeout='120')
# the above should change the description of interface ge-0/0/0 to NEW_DESCRIPTION
- v0.4.2:
- Python packaging changes (README,setup.py)
- Change license to GPLv3
- Preliminary support for L2VPNS
- Ethernet OAM support
- v0.4.1:
- Fix version in setup.py
- v0.4:
- Added full support for bgp flowspec (routing-options flow) configuration
- v0.3:
- Support for basic interface configuration (name, description, vlan)
- Support for basic vlan configuration
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This repository is managed by GRNET. You can contact us at dev [at] noc [dot] grnet [dot] gr.
This project is licensed under the GPL License - see the LICENSE file for details.