Solving Advent of Code 2022 in Fortran
- Calorie Counting
- making partial sums of items in the list
- using
- Rock Paper Scissors
- functions transforming moves to the game outcome
- Rucksack Reorganization
- search for a repeated letter in strings
- function
has been really useful here
- Camp Cleanup
- fully or partialy overlaping interval pairs
- Supply Stacks
- stacks reorganization
- using stack library modules
- Tuning Trouble
- search for duplicities in the stream of characters
- using trivial
$O(N^2)$ comparison
- No Space Left On Device
- construct and query a file system
- Treetop Tree House
- 3D-arrays, test rays of visibility in a tree map
- Rope Bridge
- Simulate the movement of a rope
- using parametrized derived type to differentiate between P1 and P2
- Cathode-Ray Tube
- simulate a graphic display
- Monkey in the Middle
- moving object among monkeys
- Hill Climbing Algorithm
- search path to the top of the hill
- used Djikstra's search (not very original)
- Distress Signal
- parse and compare expressions [1,[2,3],[]]
- structure with an array of pointers
- Regolith Reservoir
- simulate flow of sand particles
- just a character(1) array to store the situation
- Beacon Exclusion Zone
- partition 4M x 4M by diamond tiles
- class for subtracting squares
- but a more simple, geometrical solution exists
- Proboscidea Volcanium
- optimize the order of closing valves
- recursive search / greedy algorithm to pick three best moves
- Pyroclastic Flow
- part 1 is a tetris simulation
- part 2 requires a pattern recognition
- Boiling Boulders
- calculate are in 3D-matrix of pores/rock/water
- using Fortran matrices and functions
- TODO: visualize the rock structure
- Not Enough Minerals
- optimize the order of spending resources on building robots
- recursive search / must not consider useless choices
- Grove Positioning System
- "mixing" (moving elements in a circular list
- basic circular list implementation
- Monkey Math
- build tree of mathematical expressions
- collection of recursive functions to evaluate expression (Part 1) and inverse operations (Part 2)
- Monkey Map
- travel on cube surface
- fold cube from unfolded input
- maping from 2d to 3d coordinates to move between cube sides
- Unstable Diffusion
- game of life algorithm with a rotating set of rules
- visualization?
- BLizzard Basin
- search path in a maze (2D + time)
- Djikstra saves the day
- Full of Hot Air
- conversion between pentary numbers