A Go library for interacting with insights.
New Relic has open-sourced this integration to enable monitoring of this technology. This integration is provided AS-IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OR SUPPORT, although you can report issues and contribute to this integration via GitHub. Support for this integration is available with an Expert Services subscription.
There are two parts to this library:
- The Command Line Interface is a compiled standalone binary that can be executed to insert or query Newrelic Insights.
- The Insights Client Library can be used in a go project for posting to and querying events from insights.
The Insights CLI can be used to query and insert data in insights. The following commands and flags are supported:
usage: go-insights --key=KEY --id=ID [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]
--help Show help (also see --help-long and --help-man).
-k, --key=KEY Your insights key.
-i, --id=ID Your New Relic account ID
-u, --url=URL Custom insights endpoint.
--version Show application version.
-d, --debug Enable debug level logging.
help [<command>...]
Show help.
insert <file path>
Insert data to insights.
query <query string>
Query data in insights.
The client library has two functions. It contains a query client and an insert client.
The query client will make an API call to insights and return the results of your query in a QueryResponse struct:
type QueryResponse struct {
Results []map[string]interface{} `json:"results"`
Metadata QueryMetadata `json:"metadata"`
The insert client will insert data into insights. There are two methods of use. You can send single events one at a time. Alternatively, you can run the client in batch mode, which runs a goroutine and sends events to insights in batches.
package main
import (
insights "github.com/newrelic/go-insights/client"
type TestType struct {
EventType string `json:"eventType"`
AwesomeScore int `json:"AwesomeScore"`
insightAccountID := "0"
insightInsertKey := "abc123example"
client := insights.NewInsertClient(insightInsertKey, insightAccountID)
if validationErr := client.Validate(); validationErr != nil {
//however it is appropriate to handle this in your use case
log.Errorf("Validation Error!")
testData := TestType{
EventType: "testEvent",
AwesomeScore: 25,
if postErr := client.PostEvent(testData); postErr != nil {
log.Errorf("Error: %v\n", err)
package main
import (
insights "github.com/newrelic/go-insights/client"
type TestType struct {
EventType string `json:"eventType"`
AwesomeScore int `json:"AwesomeScore"`
func main() {
insightAccountID := "0"
insightInsertKey := "abc123example"
// Create the client instance
client := insights.NewInsertClient(insightInsertKey, insightAccountID)
if validationErr := client.Validate(); validationErr != nil {
//however it is appropriate to handle this in your use case
log.Errorf("Validation Error!")
if startError := client.Start(); startError != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to start client")
// Add some data with delay
for x := 0; x < 10; x++ {
fmt.Printf("Enqueueing data: %d\n", x)
err := client.EnqueueEvent(TestType{EventType: "YourTable", AwesomeScore: 9000 + x})
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err)
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
// Make sure nothing is pending in the queue