Author: Shruti Gullapuram (gshruti95)
Clone the repository, while ensuring that all dependencies are correctly installed.
Run python <path-to-videofile>
The path to the video file is either absolute or relative with respect to the
- Process a list of videos using -l flag:
./ -l <list>.txt
.txt contains YYYY-MM-DD_HOUR_NETWORKNAME.mp4 (only basenames of files) - Process a particular day's worth of news videos using -d flag:
./ -d YYYY/MM/DD
Run./ <path-to-videofile>
- You can edit the variable VIDEO_DST in to change the path of the processed video files.
The output is stored as two files named <videofilename>.sht
and <videofilename>.json
(json lines format) in the same directory as the video.
- Camera shot type → [ Newsperson(s), Background_roll, Graphic, Weather, Sports ]
- Object category → [ Vehicle, Natural formation, Building/Structure, Person(s)/Clothing, Weapon, Sports ]
- Scene type → [ Indoor, Outdoor ]
- Imagenet labels with probabilities
- Places205 labels with probabilities
- Scene attributes
- YOLO/Persons with detected count, probability and position of each detection as x,y coordinates and height and width.
- Python ( : The language of the project. The code has been tested with Python 2.7.8 and 2.7.12. It should work with any recent version of Python 2.
- Caffe ( : Neural network framework. Needs to be complied with Python support (pycaffe). The code has been tested with Caffe rc3, and should work with the GitHub version.
- FFMpeg ( : For video processing. The code has been tested with v2.8.2 and v3.1.0, and should work with the GitHub version.
- PySceneDetect ( : For shot detection. The code has been tested with v0.3.5.
- Scikit-Learn ( : For various classifiers
All the required external files and classifier models can be found here:
The paths to all external files required by the code can be modified in
according to the user’s convenience.
This is the project repository for a Google Summer of Code 2016 project for Red Hen Lab.
The project link is
The final work product submission is at
- Places205-AlexNet model: B. Zhou, A. Lapedriza, J. Xiao, A. Torralba, and A. Oliva Learning Deep Features for Scene Recognition using Places Database. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27 (NIPS) spotlight, 2014.
- GoogleNet model: Szegedy et al., Going Deeper with Convolutions, CoRR 2014 Used BVLC Googlenet model, trained by S. Guadarama.
- Reference Caffenet model: AlexNet trained on ILSVRC 2012, with a minor variation from the version as described in ImageNet classification with deep convolutional neural networks by Krizhevsky et al. in NIPS 2012. Model trained by J. Donahue.
- Red Hen Lab NewsScape Dataset: This work made use of the NewsScape dataset and the facilities of the Distributed Little Red Hen Lab, co-directed by Francis Steen and Mark Turner.
- YOLO model: Joseph Redmon, Santosh Divvala, Ross Girshick, Ali Farhadi, You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection, CoRR 2015 A demo of the actual system and the source code can be found on their project website: