An utilitairy command to organize files inside directories.
It organize by :
- File type (Audio, video, pictures, documents,...)
- Date : files with same last update date are placed in same folder
- Extensions : files with same extensions are regrouped in a folder
- Alphabetical order
- Go to release page :
- Download appropriate file for your system
- Extract file and add binary to your system path
- Check installation with :
org -help
Make sure you have golang environment install in your system (
Clone repository
git clone
- Build project
cd Organizer
go build -o org
Check help
org -help
Organize directory by type (audio, video,...)
org -dirs <dir relative or absolute path>
org -dirs <dir relative or absolute path> -method type
Organize multiple folders simulaneously
org -dirs "<dir1 path>, <dir2 path>, ..., <dirn path>"
Organize folder with alphabetical order
org -dirs <dir path> -method alph
Organize dirirectory by extensions
org -dirs <dir path> -method ext
Organize directory by date
org -dirs <dir path> -method date
Exclude some files
org -dirs <dir path> -ef "file1.txt, file2.txt, ..., filen.txt"
Exclude files with some extensions
org -dirs <dir path> -ex "mp3, mp4, png"
Translate created directories (only english, french and spanish are supported). English is default language.
org -dirs <dir path> -lang fr
org -dirs <dir path> -lang en
org -dirs <dir path> -lang es