is a simple tool to go off and query all your exchanges and wallets, cross-reference them with the latest prices from coinmarketcap and provide a summary of what you own where. It was written as a simple alternative to Blockfolio which doesn't always work and is overcomplex.
- new - 14 May 2021, Now support BSC chain wallet addresses through
- new - 10 May 2021, Every time
requests an API, it now logs the results to thehistory/
dir - 23 April 2021, Every time
is run without cacheing, write results tosnapshots/
dir - 22 April 2021, MXC exchange
- 17 April 2021, Now you can specify multiple accounts on the same exchange
- 17 April 2021, Cacheing of coinmarketcap/fixer prices to not exhaust API limits (1x hourly)
- 16 April 2021, Probit exchange
- 16 April 2021,
for testing individual cryptostat classes - 15 April 2021, Dont mix up coin names with the same ticker - e.g. ATM != ATM(chain). Use contract address for lookups
- 15 April 2021, Docker version
- 15 April 2021, Eth wallet (ERC20) scanning now supported
- 14 April 2021, Currency conversions to your favourite currency
- 13 April 2021, Test mode for development using dummy API responses
- Gets realtime prices from coinmarketcap
- Scans Kucoin, Kraken and Binance exchanges
- Ability to specify offline coins
- Ability to split total holdings into portfolios
- Ability to inject fake (historical) prices
At the very minimum, you will need:
- an API key for
(it can be the free one) - this is to query prices of crypto tokens. - an API key for
if you wish the prices to be displayed in a currency other than USD.
Copy config/config.json.example
to config/config.json
and edit it to supply it with these and other api keys for your exchanges in the relevant sections. You will see examples of many exchanges - delete the entries you are not interested in.
Note: Please allow only read access on your API keys for safety.
A typical exchange entry looks like:
"exchanges": {
"kraken": {
"api_key": "...some..api..key..",
"api_secret": "...some..api..secret.."
Sometimes you may wish to analyse 2 or more accounts on the same exchange. To do that, give each a different name, but use the "exchange" special attribute to set it to the same exchange:
"exchanges": {
"kraken1": {
"exchange": "kraken",
"api_key": "...some..api..key..",
"api_secret": "...some..api..secret.."
"kraken2": {
"exchange": "kraken",
"api_key": "...another..api..key..",
"api_secret": "...another..api..secret.."
A typical wallet to analyse looks like this:
"wallets": {
"eth": [
{ "name": "ledger", "address": "....some...wallet...address..............." }
Prices are obtained by analysing coinmarketcap (mandatory) and (for currency conversions)
Coinmarketcap section looks like this:
"prices": {
"coinmarketcap": {
"api_key": "...some..api..key..................."
} section is optional but looks like this:
"prices": {
"": {
"api_key": "...some..api.key................",
"currency": "GBP"
You set the target currency of the report with the currency
Optionally Create a config/prices.json
if you want to override current prices. This is useful if you wish to find out what your portfolio looked like in the past.
"ETH": "1000.00",
"BTC": "1000000.00"
Optionally Create a config/portfolios.json
if you want to divide your total crypto holdings into different portfolios (e.g. you are managing funds for different people)
"alice": "27.5%",
"bob": "72.5%"
If you wish to add an unspecified fixed amount of target currency to alice's portfolio, independent of crypto coin analysis, you can do the following in config.json
"extras": {
"alice": "1250.0"
Using docker:
./ # First build the docker image
./ # Run the docker image - which mounts your config/ directory inside the running container
Using ruby3.0.1:
bundle install
bundle exec lib/main.rb
Example output:
- coin -| -- holdings --- | ---- price USD ---- | ---- price GBP ---- | ---- total GBP ---- | EXCHANGES
ETH 4.01176901 2448.39732825 USD 1781.78440084 GBP 7148.10745026 GBP kraken= 3.50000928 0.49875831
ledger-0x0568F= 0.00325036
metamask-0x3e714= 0.00325036
coinbase-0x0B6c8= 0.00325036
mew-0x5d628= 0.00325036
BNB 14.00577059 550.38712320 USD 400.53596662 GBP 5609.81486149 GBP 14.00577059
BTC 0.09983056 62706.29950640 USD 45633.56813273 GBP 4555.62451090 GBP kraken= 0.09983047 0.00000009
XRP 1787.50000002 1.74608890 USD 1.27068999 GBP 2271.35835141 GBP kraken= 0.00000002 1787.50000000
KCS 163.99715611 15.84871637 USD 11.53366542 GBP 1891.48832855 GBP 163.98583232
kucoin.main= 0.01132379
USDT 2581.93374899 1.00313434 USD 0.73001596 GBP 1884.85284066 GBP kraken= 0.90397000 0.02977899
inbots= 2281.00000000
pancake= 300.00000000
FET 4029.65080000 0.63427655 USD 0.46158524 GBP 1860.02731744 GBP 0.65080000
staking= 4029.00000000
TEL 313593.96060772 0.00735067 USD 0.00534934 GBP 1677.52105137 GBP 313593.96060772
TRX 12728.05500000 0.15610916 USD 0.11360609 GBP 1445.98461814 GBP 12728.05500000
ZEC 3.57000000 248.84302035 USD 181.09177249 GBP 646.49762778 GBP 3.57000000
TOTAL 39842.86090844 USD 28995.04391393 GBP
alice 10438.82955801 USD 7596.70150545 GBP
bob 29404.03135043 USD 21398.34240848 GBP
is written using ruby (version 3.0.1) so install like this:
bundle install
Set some useful env vars:
export CRYPTOSTAT_TEST=fromcache,nohistory # Use dummy files, dont query real APIs
export CRYPTOSTAT_DEBUG=true # show debug
bundle exec main.rb
Please note ruby 3.0.1 is required to make the kucoin gem work.