is a simple nvim plugin which wraps the command line phpcs
and phpcbf
dependencies = {
'rcarriga/nvim-notify', -- optional
config = function()
-- see configuration section
-- Path to the `phpcs` binary.
phpcs = "$HOME/.config/composer/vendor/bin/phpcs",
-- Path to the `phpcbf` binary.
phpcbf = "$HOME/.config/composer/vendor/bin/phpcbf",
-- Could be the name of a phpcs standard.
-- Could be the path to a phpcs.xml file.
-- Could be 'auto', where we crawl up from cwd checking for ./phpcs.xml and the closest value is used.
standard = "auto",
-- Set a standard to use when auto-detection doesn't find a phpcs.xml file.
standard_fallback = "PSR2",
-- Whether or not to automatically fix any issues on save.
fix_on_save = false,
attaches to any open buffer which has the .php
file extension.
If configured to automatically fix on save:
- In an open buffer,
is run on save.
If configured not to automatically fix on save:
- In an open buffer,
is run on save. - To automatically fix the issues highlighted by
, you can run:Phpcbf
There are commands available, try typing :Php
, hitting tab
and seeing what's there.
Run the code sniffer.:Phpcbf
Run the code formatter.:PhpcsDisable
Disable automatic sniffing.:PhpcsEnable
Enable automatic sniffing.:PhpcsCurrentStandard
Print the standard which is currently in use.:PhpcsListStandards
Print standards which are installed and accessible via a string in config.:PhpcsFixOnSave
Print the current status of fix on save.:PhpcsFixOnSaveOff
Dynamically disable fix on save.:PhpcsFixOnSaveOn
Dinamically enable fix on save.