This sbt plugin generates a version.txt file in the root of your classpath. This is typically used by the guardian-management manifest reporter, which displays the content of this file.
To use:
Work out what released version you want to use by looking at the tags list for this repository.
Add the sbt-version-info-plugin to your sbt build, by creating project/project/plugins.scala that looks like:
import sbt._ object Plugins extends Build { lazy val plugins = Project("plugins", file(".")) .dependsOn( uri("git://") ) }
The VersionInfo trait relies on a couple of system properties to obtain the build number etc from the CI server. To pass these in create an SBT start script that for Teamcity looks a bit like this (which by convention we call sbt-tc):
#!/bin/bash cat /dev/null | java -Xmx1G -XX:MaxPermSize=250m \ -Dsbt.log.noformat=true \ -Dbuild.number="$BUILD_NUMBER" \ -Dbuild.vcs.number="$BUILD_VCS_NUMBER" \ -jar sbt-launch.jar "$@"
You can find an example for Hudson/Jenkins at