Simple and clean implementation of outbox.
Available storages:
- MongoDB
- Mysql (in progress)
Available broker/producer:
- Kafka
Create a collection on mongodb with this fields
"idempotency_id": "58452f68-705b-4b2e-8685-fc929e750588",
"message": {
"id": "58452f68-705b-4b2e-8685-fc929e750588",
"name": "Guilherme",
"age": 27
"topic": "user_created"
Initialize outbox
mongoStorage := mongostorage.NewMongoStorage(mongoConnection())
kafkaProducer := kafka.NewProducer(kafka.NewProducer(
"bootstrap.servers": "localhost:29092",
"": 600000,
"": 10000,
"message.send.max.retries": 10000000,
"batch.num.messages": 1,
"enable.idempotence": true,
o := outbox.NewOutbox(mongoStorage, kafkaProducer)
go o.Listen(context.Background())
In your storage layer do you should remember to use db transaction to save to your app collection/table and outbox.
Use the docker-compose inside example_mongo to up dependencies and run the example
It's recommend use the configuration
with value1
to will don't have problem with duplicate messages, also validate idempotency_id on consumer