This library is designed to be free for every one and easy-to-use, it is quite simple and providing reasonably speedy I/O. am65x is a userspace programming library for accessing all devices on an adapter from userspace, through the /dev interface.
In order to manage this interface, your OS needs to load the module i2c-dev at the boot time. In this case each registered i2c adapter gets a number, counting from 0. You can examine /sys/class/i2c-dev/ to see what number corresponds to which adapter. Alternatively, you can run "i2cdetect -l" to obtain a formatted list of all i2c adapters present on your system at a given time. i2cdetect is part of the i2c-tools package.
In the current release am65x links statically libi2c. This binary was extracted from the debian package libi2c-dev, version 4.1.1. Since am65x wraps around libi2c, it follows the same license model copyright For details see libi2c-dev page You do not need to install libi2c-dev, because am65x contains it.
Currently with two demo sources, one regarding the light sensor TSL2581 and second for controlling servo motors by using PCA9685. In this release the I/O keeps limited to the scope of I2C functionality. The exercises PCA9685 and TSL2581 shall lead you through the basic concepts of am65x. Each individual configuration is taking place into separated device folder, where the DEV_Config.h describes the hardware underlying interface.
This library is a linux user space library and compiles for different ARM flavours and once for Intel/AMD x86_64. This multi platform support demands differentiation between native build system and upper level CMake generators. The is the script which you need to use for building. Each CMakeLists.txt describes the rules and sources behind. The Ninja is leveraged as CMake generator which creates the in the release folder. In the next step Ninja launches to the native GNU gcc compiler and linker.
##The demo projects: The project TSL2581 controls the light-to-digital converter that transforms the light intensity to a digital signal output. This device combines one broadband photodiode (visible plus infrared) and one infrared-responding photodiode on a single CMOS integrated circuit.
1 bytes request
am65x reads 0
READ ID = 0xD0
---- i2c sensor init ----
=========My latest SMBUS method=========
3 bytes request
am65x reads 55
3 bytes request
am65x reads 11
Ch0 = 14080
Ch1 = 2816
=========My plain method=========
Ch0 = 2816
Ch1 = 2816
=========Original method=========
Ch0 = 2827
Ch1 = 2827
1 bytes request
am65x reads 0
READ ID = 0xD0
The project PCA9685 servo communicates with the PWM driver PCA9685. The code demonstrates 2-channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver.
Just calling PCA9685servo simple parks the servos to the zero position. The real demo starts with -d option PCA9685servo -d
Make demo
Servo 1, rotation 10
Servo 0, rotation 10
Servo 1, rotation 11
Servo 0, rotation 11
Servo 1, rotation 12
Servo 0, rotation 12
Servo 1, rotation 13
Servo 0, rotation 13
Servo 1, rotation 14
Servo 0, rotation 14
Servo 1, rotation 15
Servo 0, rotation 15
Servo 1, rotation 16
Servo 0, rotation 16
Servo 1, rotation 17
Servo 0, rotation 17
Servo 1, rotation 18
Servo 0, rotation 18
Servo 1, rotation 19
Servo 0, rotation 19
Servo 1, rotation 20
Servo 0, rotation 20
Servo 1, rotation 21
Servo 0, rotation 21
Servo 1, rotation 22
Servo 0, rotation 22