Setup Raspberry Pi with Ansible.
compute OS: Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS 64bit
pi: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 8G RAM No Ethernet cable, use WiFi No display, use ssh to connect. SD card: kingstone 64G OS for pi: ubuntu server 20.04 LTS 64bit
Get a Micro SD card
install imager on compute:
Select OS for pi: ubuntu server 20.04 LTS 64bit
after finish, modify netplan config for wifi:
vim /media/$USER/system-boot/network-config
install sd card connect power to boot pi wait for wifi
Find IP for pi
with arp sudo apt install net-tools arp -na | grep -i "dc:a6:32" # pi 4 only
from router webui
ssh ubuntu@$IP # default password is also ubuntu
change hostname: sudo vim /etc/hostname -> pi
authorize your ssh pub key: ssh-import-id gh:$GITHUB_USRNAME
try ssh to pi in another terminal
Optional: disable password authentication in /etc/sshd_config
If you have extra disk to attach to pi, you can plug and mount it now.
now I can use ansible