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PyCBC offline multi ifo coincident search

GarethDaviesGW edited this page Feb 22, 2019 · 57 revisions

PyCBC offline multi ifo coincident search

To Do Table

Issue description Assigned to Status
Coincidence finding link to code Marton Done (#2449)
Default multi-ifo statistic Calculate simple ranking stat and IFAR for each type of coinc, combine IFAR via trials factor Gareth Done (part of #2473)
Improved multi-ifo statistic:noise model Calculate and implement noise element of multi-ifo ranking statistic Gareth Noise rate calculation underway, (#2509)
Improved multi-ifo statistic:signal model Calculate and implement signal element of multi-ifo ranking statistic Gareth/+?
Statmap Combine Coincs to map between stat and fap and hierarchical removal Marton Done
Statmap Inj equivalent of statmap, but for injinj/fullinj/injfull Marton Done (#2474)
Combine_statmap Combine coincidences from different combinations Gareth Done #2473
Add combine_statmap to workflow above code is currently not included in any workflow Not started
hdf_injfind match injections to times of coincidences Gareth Approved, waiting for travis - #2499
Add hdf_injfind to workflow make it possible to give --ifos as an input to hdf_injfind not started
Output pages - list incomplete
  • page_foundmissed
  • page_segtable
  • page_coinc_snrchi
Make output pretty, displaying all det combinations? currently hard-coded for H1L1 Gareth + Connor
  • foundmissed PR approved, waiting for travis checks (#2516)
  • segtable PR up - needs tested (#2519)
  • snrchi not started
Fix storage format of coinc segments in coinc code and jobs downstream Don't have redundant/misleading information duplicated between different datasets Marton (Gareth to check implications for downstream code) ongoing (Issue #2498), PR #2517

How does the code work

The "pycbc_create_offline_search_workflow" executable creates the workflow.

Lines 1 - 198 do the same thing as the old pycbc_make_coinc_search_workflow executable does (setting up the workflow, vetos and bank)

Lines 199 - 208 set up the inspiral jobs. The code works the same way as the old pycbc_make_coinc_search_workflow, but config file changes are required to see the 3rd detector. The config changes required can be found at

Lines 209 - 214 create the trigger fitting jobs, these were required for O2 statistic calculations. (This will proably change)

Lines 215 - 261: This part sets up the multi ifo coincidence search. Details:

  • First the variables containing the output files and the dictionary that will contain the precedence list is created. (lines 219-223)
  • Next we read in the precedence list from the config files in lines 226-228. For any given combination of ifos, time shifted coincidences are generated by shifting one ifo relative to all the rest The shifted ('pivot') ifo will be the one appearing first in this list
  • Lines 232 - 233 set up all possible detector combinations. (viable for any number of detectors)
  • Lines 236 - 238 get the index of each ifo from the precedence list
  • Lines 241 - 244 get the trigger files for the specific detector combination only.
  • Lines 247 - 250 set up the pivot and fixed ifos required by pycbc_multiifo_coinc_findtrigs based on the precedence indexes. The lowest index will be the pivot ifo, the second lowest will be the fixed ifo.
  • Lines 253 - 260 set up the multiifo coinc jobs.

Lines 262 - 307 set up the psd and range calculation.

Line 308 - 349 set up injection jobs for all detectors, and merges the triggers. Coincidence calculation is not yet implemented for this.

Lines 350 - 401 finalize the workflow.

This executable is the modification of 'pycbc_coinc_findtrigs'. The differences are, that this file requires two new input: pivot and fixed ifos, and the option to set strict coincidence has been removed, the background is generated only from coincident times.

Everything is set up using dictionaries keyed by ifo. The number of trigger files determines the number of ifos.

The coinc.time_multi_coincidence determines the coincidence triggers. Full 2 detector coincidence is done between the pivot and fixed ifos. Additional detectors do not slide independently of the fixed one, each trigger in an additional detector must be coincident with an existing coincident one. All times are moved to 'fixed' relative time.

The rank_method.coinc_multiifo is the used ranking statistic, currently only newsnr is implemented. (new statistics will be required for O3)

Next steps

  • The background from the 2 and 3 detector coincidence jobs need to be combined.
    • Proposal: get the triggers from all sources (4 in case of 3 detectors). The triggers that come from only 2 detector times are left alone, and all triggers that come from 4 files (3 detector times) get a trials factor (/4) applied (similarly to pycbc_combine_statmap). This would require a ranking statistic that takes into account which detectors are online at a given time. Also, clustering should be done after this step (need to remove it from pycbc_multiifo_coinc_findtrigs).
  • Once we have a combined backround, we need to get ifar values, that should be done similarly to pycbc_coinc_statmap, but it will need to be rewritten for the new background files and multiple detectors.
  • Need to set up injection finding.