This PHP tool searches for AWS S3 buckets using a given wordlist. When an existing bucket is found, the tool checks the permissions of the bucket: get ACL, put ACL, list, HTTP list, write
Amazon S3:
apt-get install awscli
aws configure
Google Cloud:
git clone
Usage: php s3-buckets-bruteforcer.php [OPTIONS] --bucket <bucket>
--bucket single bucket name or listing file
--detect-region Amazon only, try to automatically detect the region of the bucket
--force-recurse even if the bucket doesn't exist, the max-depth option will be applied (use this option at your own risk)
--glue characters used as a separator when concatenate all elements, default are: none, dash, dot and underscore
-h, --help print this help
--list do no perform any test, simply list the generated permutations
--max-depth max depth of recursion, if a bucket is found, another level will be added (permutations are applied), default=1, ex:
if <bucket> is found then test <bucket>-xxx
if <bucket>-xxx is found then test <bucket>-xxx-yyy
--no-color disable colored output
--perform tests to perform, default=esglw
e: test if exist (always performed)
s: set ACL
g: get ACL
l: list (cli and http)
w: write
--permut permutation can be tested, default=0
0: no permutation
1: if both provided prefix and suffix are permuted (prefix.<bucket>.suffix, suffix.<bucket>.prefix)
2: permutation applied only on the bucket name (a.b.c, b.c.a, ...)
3: each elements will be separately permuted, then glogal permutation
--prefix single prefix or listing file
--provider can be: amazon, google, digitalocean
--region Amazon only, set the region (overwrite the option detect-region), value can be:
us-east-1 us-east-2 us-west-1 us-west-2
ap-south-1 ap-southeast-1 ap-southeast-2 ap-northeast-1 ap-northeast-2
eu-central-1 eu-west-1 eu-west-2
ca-central-1 sa-east-1
--suffix single suffix or listing file
--thread max threads, default=5
-v,--verbosity set verbosity, default=0
0: everything
1: do not display not found
2: display only permissions success
3: display only set ACL and write permission success
php s3-buckets-bruteforcer.php --bucket gwen001-test002
php s3-buckets-bruteforcer.php --bucket listing.txt --no-color --verbosity 1
php s3-buckets-bruteforcer.php --bucket listing1.txt --bucket listing2.txt --bucket listing3.txt --perform e --thread 10
php s3-buckets-bruteforcer.php --bucket listing.txt --prefix prefix.txt --suffix suffix1.txt --suffix2.txt --perform esw --thread 10
php s3-buckets-bruteforcer.php --bucket listing.txt --region us-east-2 --rlevel 3
Feel free to open an issue if you have any problem with the script.