Updated and fixed Example 08A processing sketch from this book. I did not touch the arduino code as of yet. I may eventually fully test both pieces to ensure they work together, or update them otherwise.
This project originally sets up a lamp that will change colors based on information pulled from an xml or RSS feed.
This book version includes a light sensor and a button to start the process as well as the 3 LEDs for red, green, and blue.
This project and original code are over a decade old, and others have had the same issues I did. This led me to create this repository.
Another idea is to set up the code to work with the original schematic as well, using commented out alternative sections of code.
I hope this helps others out there who wanted to fully complete this project like I did.
I have located and included the original schematic for reference:
A well as the one from the book that goes with the above code:
You will need to create the font file in the Processing IDE:
- copy the font name from the sketch
- under the "tools" menu click the font tool
- match a font to the right size and paste the name from the sketch
- click create
Here are links to the original sources of information: