NOTE: This repo is maintained for use with some legacy code within the lab, but our new VR/AR projects are based on Ros-Sharp, an open-source Unity/ROS connector developed by Siemens. Their main GitHub page is here, and a fork we maintain that allows use with the HoloLens is here
Hi, and welcome to ROS Reality Bridge, a virtual reality teleoperation interface for ROS enabled robots (we use a Baxter, but the code could easily be modified for any ROS robot). This readme contains all the information you need to get started.
This package connects a ROS network to a remote windows machine running Unity, and uses sensor data sent on ROS topics to populate a virtual reality scene. The sensors we use are a Kinect v2, the wrist cameras of the robot, and the joint encoders of the robot.
For this tutorial, we will focus on controlling a Baxter robot. Therefore you will need to install the Baxter SDK on you computer. You can find instructions for that here:
If you want to send commands back from the Unity computer, we recommend you use Ein, which sits on top of the native Baxter SDK, and gives a higher level of control, like end effector Cartesian coordinate positioning. Download and install it here:
NOTE: Ein is not needed if you pull from no-ein branch. This directly uses the built in IK solver from the Baxter SDK.
To connect the Kinect to the ROS network, we use IAI Kinect, a ROS package found here:
To calibrate the Kinect, we use this package:
Finally, you will need to install rosbridge. You can install it via apt-get sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-rosbridge-suite
To start ROS Reality, simply run the following command on your Baxter workstation:
roslaunch ros_reality_bridge ros_reality_bridge.launch
Great, now this computer is sending information about the ROS network. Go to your Unity computer and follow the intstructions here: