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A framework for Lidar SLAM algorithm evaluation

This package provides a framework for both comparison and evaluation of resultant trajectories that generated from ROS supported Lidar SLAM packages. The framework provides an interface between KITTI dataset and Lidar SLAM packages including A-LOAM, LeGO-LOAM and LIO-SAM for localization accuracy evaluation.

Other Lidar odometry/SLAM packages and even your own Lidar SLAM package can be applied to this evaluation package.(TBD)

Using this package, you can record the trajectory from Lidar SLAM packages by given roslaunch files and compare each other qualitatively, or with ground truth provided by KITTI dataset for the quantative evaluation. After the evaluation process, our Python script automatically generates plots and graphs that demostrates error metrics.

For detailed intruction, we strongly recommend to read the further step-by-step illustration of the framework.


1. Install this package

Installing this package into your local machine is simple. Clone this repository to your catkin workspace.

    pip install pykitti (if pykitti is not installed)
    mkdir -p catkin_ws/src && cd catkin_ws/src
    git clone
    cd ..
    catkin_make -j1 
    source devel/

-j1 flag on line 5 is for LeGO-LOAM build. Refer to this instruction.

2. Install Lidar odometry/SLAM packages

The evaluation package currently support three open-source Lidar-based odometry/SLAM algorithms:

Go to the link and follow the instructions written by owner. You may consider changing some parameters for KITTI dataset which used Velodyne HDL-64 Lidar for data acquisition.


  • A-LOAM: No need to modify parameter. It is already written for KITTI configurations.
  • LeGO-LOAM: Add Velodyne HDL-64 configuration and disable undistortion functions, or clone this forked repo.
  • LIO-SAM: Change package parameters for KITTI, or clone this forked repo.

3. Prepare KITTI dataset in your machine

What you need?

  • KITTI odometry dataset
  • KITTI raw_synced dataset
  • KITTI raw_unsynced dataset

3-1. Download KITTI raw_synced/raw_unsynced dataset

cd your/dataset/path
wget (raw_synced)
wget (raw_unsynced)

Other source files can be found in KITTI raw data page.

3-2. Download odometry dataset (with ground truth)

KITTI odometry data that has ground truth can be downloaded in KITTI odometry data page. (velodyne laser data, calibration files, ground truth poses data are required.)

If you want to evaluate your algorithm on KITTI raw dataset with ground truth provided by KITTI odometry poses, you can convert poses.txt file into the rosbag format that produces nav_msgs::Path topic. In the case you would like to use IMU data, however, the rectified_synced dataset for KITTI raw dataset is required. The table below lists corresponding KITTI sequences to rectified_synced dataset with starting/end index in each sequences.

seq name start end
00 2011_10_03_drive_0027 000000 004540
01 2011_10_03_drive_0042 000000 001100
02 2011_10_03_drive_0034 000000 004660
03 2011_09_26_drive_0067 000000 000800
04 2011_09_30_drive_0016 000000 000270
05 2011_09_30_drive_0018 000000 002760
06 2011_09_30_drive_0020 000000 001100
07 2011_09_30_drive_0027 000000 001100
08 2011_09_30_drive_0028 001100 005170
09 2011_09_30_drive_0033 000000 001590
10 2011_09_30_drive_0034 000000 001200

3-3. Check

Your filesystem tree should be like this:

├── kitti_odom
│   └── dataset
│       ├── poses
│       └── sequences
│           ├── 00 
│           ├── 01 
│           ├── ...
│           └── 21
│               ├── image_0
│               ├── image_1
│               ├── velodyne
│               ├── calib.txt
│               └── times.txt
└── kitti_raw
    └── dataset
        ├── 2011_09_30
        │   ├── 2011_09_30_drive_0027_sync
        │   │   ├── image_00
        │   │   ├── image_01
        │   │   ├── image_02
        │   │   ├── image_03
        │   │   ├── oxts
        │   │   └── velodyne_points
        │   ├── 2011_09_26_drive_0027_extract
        │   ├── calib_cam_to_cam.txt 
        │   ├── calib_imu_to_velo.txt
        │   └── calib_velo_to_cam.txt  
        └── ...

4. Convert KITTI dataset to rosbag file (

If the package is successfullt setup on your environment, you can generate KITTI dataset rosbag file that contains raw point clouds and imu measurement.
Try below on your command line.

python -r raw_dataset_path -p save_path -s sequence


  • save_path is a directory that you want to save a generated bag file
  • raw_dataset_path is a base directory for KITTI raw_synced dataset
  • Replace sequence with appropriately syntaxed parameters, such as 07.


python -r /home/user/kitti_raw/dataset -p ./bag -s 07

5. Generate KITTI ground truth rosbag file (

You may need ground truth for quantative analysis of the Lidar-based SLAM algorithms.
To generate KITTI ground truth rosbag file, which can be converted from raw_dataset and odom_dataset, run the python script like this,

python -o odom_dataset_path -r raw_dataset_path -s sequence -p save_path


  • Replace odom_dataset_path with your KITTI odometry dataset that includes poses.txt for ground truth generation
  • Replace raw_dataset_path with your raw_unsynced dataset which has a posix-time timepoints.txt file in it
  • Then select what sequence that you looking for, and path to save the ground truth bag file.
  • The script will automatically generate the bag file in your directory.


python -o /home/user/kitti_odom/dataset -r /home/user/kitti_raw/dataset -s 07 -p ./bag

6. Test your rosbag file with PathRecorder

For testing the generated rosbag files, we recommend to use our PathRecorder rospackage for recording the trajectory. The command below will automatically record a result of the lidar SLAM packages.


roslaunch path_recorder record_aloam.launch bag_path:=/home/dohoon/catkin_ws/src/lidar_slam_evaluator/bag/kitti_2011_09_30_drive_0027_synced

For visualization:

roslaunch path_recorder play_aloam.launch bag_path:=/home/dohoon/catkin_ws/src/lidar_slam_evaluator/bag/kitti_2011_09_30_drive_0027_synced

7. Run evaluation Python script (

Finally, you can analyze the trajectory-recorded rosbag files!

python --slam slam_packages --bag_path rosbag_path -- plot plot_option (--no_play)


  • slam_packages: aloam, lego_loam, lio_sam
  • Available plot_option:
    • all - plot all trajectories and errors and error statistics (default)
    • traj - plot trajectories
    • error - plot errors
    • stat - plot error statistics
  • --no_play option is for the case you already generated rosbag trajectory results.


python --slam lego_loam lio_sam aloam --bag_path ../dataset --plot all

8. Anticipated result

This plotting design is inspired from evo.



For detailed definition of error metrics, please refer to this tutorial.

Cite this work

If you use this package in a publication, a link to or citation of this repository would be appreciated:

  • with link:
  • with BibTex:
  title={A framework for Lidar SLAM algorithm evaluation},
  author={Gim, Haeyeon and Cho, Dohoon and Hong, Junwoo},