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Hailo Application Code Examples


🚀 Runtime

Application examples for Hailo inference with different languages and operating systems

APP Description
depth_estimation Depth estimation with StereoNet
detection_with_tracker Object detection with tracking using ByteTracker and Supervision
hailo_onnxruntime Inference with a Hailo device and postprocessing with ONNXRuntime
instance_segmentation Instance segmentation with yolov5_seg, yolov8_seg
lane_detection Lane detection with UFLDv2
object_detection Object detection with yolo, ssd, centernet
pose_estimation Pose estimation with yolov8
super_resolution Super resolution with espcnx4, srgan
APP Description
zero_shot_classification Zero-Shot Classification with with clip_vit_l14 on hailo8 and clip_resnet50 on hailo15h
classifier Classification with models trained on ImageNet
depth_estimation Depth estimation with scdepthv3 and stereonet
hailo_onnxruntime Inference with a Hailo device and postprocessing with ONNXRuntime
instance_segmentation Instance segmentation with yolov5_seg, yolov8_seg
object_detection Object detection - generic, asynchronous
pose estimation Pose estimation with yolov8
semantic_segmentation Semantic segmentation with Resnet18_fcn trained on cityscape
APP Description
advanced_cpp_app Complex GStreamer pipeline wrapped by C++
cpp_cascaded_networks_dynamic_osd Cascade networks pipeline wrapped by C++
cropper_aggregator Gstreamer pipeline with hailocropper and hailoaggregator
detection_python Python implementation of TAPPAS detection pipeline using Yolov5m
hailo"_clip CLIP inference on a video in real-time
multistream_app Inference on multiple streams on the same pipeline, added C++ usability
multistream_multi_networks Object detection + semantic segmentation
multistream_stream_id Multistream with stream ID
simple_cpp_app Simple app that shows how to use Gstreamer with C++ on top
tda4vm/pose_estimation Single-stream pose estimation pipelin` on top of GStreamer and TDA4VM DSP
tonsofstreams Many streams with 4 Hailo devices
APP Description
yolov5 Object detection with yolov5 using a C++ script compiled for Windows
yolov8 Object detection with yolov8 using a C++ script compiled for Windows

🏗️ Compilation

Basic optimization diagnostic tool: help diagnosing common optimization issues and mistakes
Pointpillars: Hailo device offload of the heavy 2D-convolutional part of a 3D-object-detection network operating on point-clouds
16-bit Optimization: Guide on how to perform 16-bit optimization

Documents and other files

⚠️ Disclaimer

The code examples are provided by Hailo solely on an “AS IS” basis and “with all faults”. No responsibility or liability is accepted or shall be imposed upon Hailo regarding the accuracy, merchantability, completeness or suitability of the code example. Hailo shall not have any liability or responsibility for errors or omissions in, or any business decisions made by you in reliance on this code example or any part of it. If an error occurs when running the examples, please open a ticket in the "Issues" tab.