A selection of resources to prepare for interviews with top tech companies.
The selection of resources is designed to be generic enough to allow Engineers and Managers to prepare for their rounds with big tech firms. Therefore, it is composed to assist with the preparation of hard and soft skills.
It is structured in four main sections: coding, systems, theory and transversals.
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── coding
├── systems
├── transversals
└── theory
The coding section provides a collection of problems solved adopting the Python programming language; the choice of the programming language is not by the chance, it is instead intentional as the Python programming language is semantically powerful and helps express algorithms elegantly. The systems section provides a collection of design challenges from a system perspective; very helpful to tackle the system de#terviews. The theory section provides all the basics of the computer science fundamentals that are required to be successful during the coding rounds, and not only. Finally, last but not least the transversals section provides a collection of questions which help dealing with leadership and management interviews.
Rejection is part of the life, and makes us a better version of ourselves. Preparation is a very important factor when it comes to success, but it does not have to be intended as they key to success: there are cases when even preparing, working hard on the preparation, do not make us clear up the interview process. On this line of thought, this reading might be beneficial and set exepctations.
Before of each round, take between 3 to 5 minutes to meditate and visualize the interview with a positive mindset. This helps to get into the framework to being able to answer the questions according to the expectations: for big tech, the hiring bar is very high, and details count, so a coding problem solved brilliantly and on-time forgetting that single corner case or even to report to the interviewer an obvious time complexity can play massively against the hire decision.