This code is the artifact created during our master's thesis. The artifact was used to perform an experiment during the latter phase of the thesis. Below, there is a simple description on how to start a development version of the system.
- NodeJS v. 7.1.0 or newer
- Docker Community Edition
- Python 3.5
NB: The application requires Docker to be installed for one of the following commands (make pull-docker-images
) to work. Additionaly, the code execution in the web-application also requires Docker.
Frontend (done within the frontend
# Done in a separate terminal window/session
# yarn or npm is needed to install the npm-packages
# npm install -g yarn
yarn install or npm install # Downloads the required npm-packages
npm run dev-server # Starts the webpack-dev-server on port 3000
# Done in a separate terminal window/session
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=l2p.settings.development # Export the Django-settings file to the PATH-variable
make env # Creates the virtual environment for Python, only required to do once
make pull-docker-images # Optional if the images are pulled already
make development # Install all development dependencies to the virtual environment
make migrate # Apply initialy and/or if new migrations are available
make load-fixtures # If not previously loaded, this will populate the SQLite datebase
make superuser # Creates a superuser for the Django-application
make run # Starts the server on port 8000
Alternatively, if it is the first time you start the development version of the application:
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=l2p.settings.development
make init # Executes pull-docker-images env development migrate load-fixtures (in that order)
make superuser
make run