open-container is a ride-board application written in Python+Flask with a frontend using Jinja2 and CSH Flavored Bootstrap.
Open Container is a replacement for kdolan/ride, that provides an HTTP API for accessing and mutating ride-board data. Through working on this project I've remembered quite a few of the reasons that deter me from wanting to work on frontend web development. I struggled with the concept of getting a working UI and UX flow across multiple pages and spent a few days trying for the opposite. After realizing that a single-page dynamic site wasn't in the scope of my design abilities I went back to seperating out different actions into their own pages.
There are sill a few things that I believe would be beneficial to open-container, but in no way are they necessary for it to be used in place of ride. As someone who's a supporter of FOSS I want to leave these low-hanging-fruit open to potential contributors who may be interested in using open-container as a base to sharpen their design or development skills in the future. You can see a list of some of my potential ideas on the issues page.