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A containerized voting app hosted on an EC2 instance built ,pushed & deployed with a CI/CD pipeline using docker ,jenkins & minikube

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Based on example-voting-app

  • This app is structured into five services, each running in separate containers, it allows users to cast votes and see results in real-time.
  • This porject also includes a Kubernetes setup for running the app in a Minikube cluster
  • It also includes job triggers and automated deployment with ssh and scripts

Prerequisites :

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose (for testing)
  • Minikube
  • jenkins (as a container)

Architecture/Containers :

  • vote service - Flask based web app (vote)
  • Result Service - Node.js app (view results)
  • Worker Service - .NET service (processes votes)
  • db service - PostgreSQL (store votes)

Testing the app using docker-compose :

  • using the Docker files view file here :
    • docker compose up --build
  • using the docker images from DockerHub view file here :
    • docker compose up -f ./docker-compose-images.yml up

CI/CD Pipeline :

CI Pipeline :

Pushing docker images :

  • Pushing vote ,result & worker to docker hub using JenkinsFile
  • utilized a Function template to build and push the images
    • hamdiz0/va-vote:1.0
    • hamdiz0/va-result:1.0
    • hamdiz0/va-worker:1.0
    • redis:alpine (default)
    • postgres:15-alpine (default)

Webhooks :

  • configured a webhook between jenkins and github to trigger the builds automaticly

    • in the github repo settings there is an option to add webhook trigger

    • make sure to configure jenkins to handle job triggers within a pipline

  • more details about web hooks here

CD Pipeline :

  • added kubernetes configuration files to deploy the app on Minikube hosted on an EC2 instance

YAML files templates :

  • utilized deployments for each service
  • configured the vote and result services with a NodePort service-type for easy access from outside the cluster
  • configured the db(postgres) and redis services with a ClusterIP service-type for an efficient comminication inside the cluster
  • no need to configure a service for the worker as it only forwards requests

Setting up minikube :

Deploying the cluster manually :

  • you can run the script :
  • alternativly you can use this script : to run it on a kubeadm setup
    • here is guide to how to setup a k8s cluster with vagrant and kubeadm vagrant-k8s
  • make sure execute permissions are added and pass in the version "-v" (1.0 , 2.0 , latest) :
    chmod +x -v 2.0

Using an SSH-agent to deploy the cluster :

  • create an EC2 instance or setup minikube locally :
  • make sure to allow http ,https and ssh and add custom ports if needed :
  • install the "ssh agent" plugin in jenkins :
  • generate an ssh key in the remote machine running minikube :
  • copy the private key of the remote machine in the "Private Key" field when creating an "SSH Username with private key" credential in jenkins :
    • in the home directory of the remote machine:
      ls .ssh
  • genrate an ssh key in jenkins container
    docker exec -it <jenkins container Id> bash
  • make sure to copy the public key of jenkins to the authorized_keys file of the remote machine :
    nano .ssh/authorized_keys
  • utilized a function that uses the ssh agent to run a deployment script in the remote machine :
      'ubuntu',                                           // remote user name
      '',                                     // Ip address of the remote machine
      '2.0',                                              // version
      'minikube-instance',                                // credentail Id in jenkins (SSH Username with private key)
      '',          // git repositry
      'vote-app/k8s-specifications/',                     // Repo_Name/Path/ (path to the deployment script in the git repo)
      ''                                   // Deployment_Script_Name (in the specified path above)
    • the function clones the repository and runs the deployment script in the minikube machine
    • than it passes the version to the deployment script as it accept a version option -v
  • deployment script :
    • view the deployment script here
    • the deployment script changes the docker image version in the YAML files than applies them all using a for loop
    • the YAML file cantains the docker images along with a place-holder <<VERSION>> the script changes this to the passed in version
        - name : vote
          image: hamdiz0/va-vote:<<VERSION>> 
          ports :
          - containerPort: 80
    • the script changes the <<VERSION>> with the passed in version throught this command :
      sed -i "s/<<VERSION>>/${VER}/" "$file" # VER contains the values of the passed in version
    • the script than forwards both the vote and result services ports so we can access them using the public ip of the EC2 instance :
      minikube kubectl -- port-forward svc/vote-svc 30000:80 --address &
      minikube kubectl -- port-forward svc/result-svc 30001:80 --address &
      • these commands will keep the script in an continious execution mode wish causes the jenkins job to never end
      • the forwarding processes must be seperated from the script by capturing their PIDs and disowning from the script :
        minikube kubectl -- port-forward svc/vote-svc 30000:80 --address &
        VOTE_PID=$!  # get port forwarding proccess id
        disown $VOTE_PID # seperate the process from the script
      • these processes can also cause problems when you want to deploy again (port is in use error) :
      • they must be killed before reusing the ports again for the next deployment :
        kill $(ps aux | grep 'kubectl port-forward' | awk '{print $2}')
    • the vote and result services are accessable throught :
      • http://<Public_IP@_of_the_EC2_Instance>:30000
      • http://<Public_IP@_of_the_EC2_Instance>:30001

Results :

Kubectl get svc,deploy,pods :

Jenkins build result :

Checkout my LearningDevops repo for more details about these tools and devops in general do not hesitate to contribute


A containerized voting app hosted on an EC2 instance built ,pushed & deployed with a CI/CD pipeline using docker ,jenkins & minikube







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