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Arto is a type-safe, flexible class name management library designed for building scalable UIs with variants, states, and advanced conditional styling.


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Arto is a type-safe, flexible class name management library designed for building scalable UIs with variants, states, and advanced conditional styling.


For full documentation, visit

Key Features

  • 🎨 Variants: Cleanly define style options (e.g., size, color) without messy conditional logic.
  • 🔄 States: Apply conditional classes for states like disabled, hovered, etc., with optional dependency logic.
  • Rules & Logic: Dynamically add or remove classes using logical operators (AND, OR, XOR, etc.) or custom callbacks.
  • 🔧 Fully Extensible: Write or install plugins to extend functionality (e.g., theming, UI framework integration).
  • 🛡️ Type-Safe: Built with TypeScript for robust validation and developer confidence.
  • Lightweight: No external dependencies—integrates seamlessly with your chosen framework (React, Vue, Svelte, or plain JS).
  • 🌐 Framework Agnostic: Compatible with any CSS strategy (e.g., Tailwind, PostCSS, CSS Modules).


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Quick Example

Below is a very simplified example to illustrate how Arto might handle variants and states. For more in-depth or real-world examples, see our Documentation and examples/ folder.

import { arto } from 'arto'

// 1. Create an arto instance with basic config
const myArto = arto({
  // Always include these classes
  className: 'btn',

  // Define variants for styling
  variants: {
    size: {
      small: 'btn-sm',
      large: 'btn-lg',

  // Define states for toggling
  states: {
    disabled: 'opacity-50 pointer-events-none',

// 2. Generate a final class string
const classString = myArto({
  variants: { size: 'large' },
  states: { disabled: true },

// => "btn btn-lg opacity-50 pointer-events-none"

Advanced Example

Below is a more complex scenario showcasing:

  • Nested state definitions with dependsOn
  • Callback-based class names that leverage user-defined context
  • Conditional logic through the rules array
import { arto } from 'arto'

// Define variant keys and possible values
type Variants = {
  intent: 'info' | 'danger' | 'success'
  size: 'sm' | 'md'

// Define possible states
type States = 'hovered' | 'disabled'

// Optional context data passed during class generation
type Context = {
  username: string

const myArto = arto<Variants, States, Context>({
  // Base classes
  className: 'base',

  // Variant definitions
  variants: {
    intent: {
      info: 'intent-info',
      danger: {
        className: 'intent-danger',
        states: {
          hovered: {
            className: 'intent-danger-hovered',
            dependsOn: [{ not: ['disabled'] }], // apply only if 'disabled' is not active
      // Callback-based class name
      success: (ctx) => (ctx?.username === 'admin' ? 'intent-success-admin' : 'intent-success'),
    size: {
      sm: 'size-sm',
      md: 'size-md',

  // Global states
  states: {
    hovered: {
      className: 'global-hovered',
      dependsOn: [{ not: ['disabled'] }], // can't hover if disabled
    disabled: 'global-disabled',

  // Advanced rules
  rules: [
      when: {
        variants: { intent: ['info', 'danger'] },
        states: ['hovered'],
        logic: 'AND',
      add: 'rule-class',

// Usage examples:

// A) Info + small (no states)
const exampleA = myArto({
  variants: { intent: 'info', size: 'sm' },
// => "base rule-class intent-info size-sm"

// B) Danger + hovered + disabled
const exampleB = myArto({
  variants: { intent: 'danger', size: 'sm' },
  states: { hovered: true, disabled: true },
// => "base rule-class intent-danger size-sm global-disabled"

// C) Success + hovered, with admin context
const exampleC = myArto({
  variants: { intent: 'success', size: 'md' },
  states: { hovered: true },
  context: { username: 'admin' },
// => "base intent-success-admin size-md global-hovered"


We welcome contributions of all kinds, from bug reports to new features. Before submitting a pull request, please review our Contributing Guide. It covers the recommended workflow, coding standards, and release process to help ensure a smooth collaboration.


This project is released under the MIT License.


Arto is a type-safe, flexible class name management library designed for building scalable UIs with variants, states, and advanced conditional styling.





