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Probabilistic HLA Typing

Paper: Prohlatype: A Probabilistic Framework for HLA Typing 1

This project provides a set of tools to calculate the full posterior distribution of HLA types given read data.

Instead of:

	A1  	A2  	B1  	B2  	C1	    C2  	Reads	Objective
0	A*31:01	A*02:01	B*45:01	B*15:03	C*16:01	C*02:10	538.0	513.79

one can calculate:

Allele 1 Allele 2 Log P P
A*02:05:01:01 A*30:114 -23046.81 0.5000
A*02:05:01:01 A*30:01:01 -23046.81 0.5000
A*02:05:01:01 A*30:106 -23103.15 0.0000
A*02:05:01:02 A*30:114 -23146.35 0.0000
B*07:36 B*57:03:01:02 -13717.33 0.5000
B*07:36 B*57:03:01:01 -13717.33 0.5000
B*07:36 B*57:03:03 -13804.74 0.0000
B*27:157 B*57:03:01:02 -13816.17 0.0000
C*06:103 C*18:10 -11936.35 0.3338
C*06:103 C*18:02 -11936.36 0.3331
C*06:103 C*18:01 -11936.36 0.3331
C*15:102 C*18:02 -11951.72 0.0000


There are three options to obtain the software:

  1. If you are running on Linux, standalone binaries are available with each release.

  2. Use the linked Docker image.

  3. Build the software from source:

    a. Install opam.

    b. Make sure that the opam packages are up to date:

     $ opam update

    c. Make sure that you're on the relevant compiler:

     $ opam switch 4.06.0
     $ eval `opam config env`

    d. Get source:

     $ git clone prohlatype
     $ cd prohlatype

    e. Install the dependent packages:

     $ make setup

    f. Build the programs (afterwards they'll be in _build/default/src/apps):

     $ make

Make sure that you have IMGT/HLA available:

$ git clone imgthla


  1. Create an imputed HLA reference sequence via align2fasta. This step makes sure that all alleles have sequence information that spans the entire locus. This way, reads that originate from a region for which we normally do not have sequence information will still align (in the next filtering step), albeit poorly:

     $ align2fasta path-to-imgthla/alignments -o imputed_hla_class_I

    This step needs to be performed only once, per each IMGT version. Run $align2fasta --help for further information.

  2. Filter your data against the reference, by first aligning. Ex:

     $ bwa mem imputed_hla_class_I.fasta ${SAMPLE}.fastq | \
         samtools view -F 4 -bT imputed_hla_class_I.fasta -o ${SAMPLE}.bam

    While fundamentally, the algorithms here are alignment based. They're too slow to run for all sequences. Sequences that do not originate from the HLA-region would just act as background noice.

  3. and then convert aligned reads back to FASTQ:

     $ samtools fastq ${SAMPLE}.bam > ${SAMPLE}_filtered.fastq
  4. Infer types (see $ multi_par --help for further details):

     $ multi_par path-to-imgthla/aignments ${SAMPLE}_filtered.fastq -o ${SAMPLE}_output.tsv

Note: The script src/scripts/ provides an end-to-end example of the above. It depends only on docker, wget, and git; it fetches the data and runs everything in a docker container (see sh src/scripts/ help).

1: All versions of this software after 0.8.0 incorporate an important coverage likelihood that is not described in the previous paper. At the moment a short addendum describing the approach is in limbo, please contact me by email for a reference.