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Robject-Validator(Rov) is a object validator for Ruby. Usually there are many different data objetcts in your system, and you have to ensure the accuracy of the data objects. It's terrible to write validation code for each object. It will confuse your system and has high risk for bug.

Rov provides a general mechanism to validate all data objects. All you need is defining template for each object, and then Rov will validate them.


Rov has no dependencies, unless your objects need other gem packages.

However, your Ruby version can not be less than 1.8.7.



$ gem install rov

Or install Rov from the git repo:

$ gem build rov.gemspec
$ gem install rov-{version}.gem

Basic Usage

First all, you need to define a template for object. The template is a class inherited from Rov::Template, and your object is defined in the instance variable @template of the template class.

For example, a hash object that contains several properties, name, sex, age and email:

  class Person < Rov::Template
    @template = {
      :name => kind_of(String),
      :age => kind_of(Fixnum),
      :sex => any_of([:male, :female]),
      :email => kind_of(String),

kind_of and any_of are class methods of Rov::Template.

kind_of() takes one argument which is a class. It means the data must be a object of the class(or its child class).

any_of() aslo takes one argument which is an array. It means the data must be a element of the array. The element of the array can be any type, symbol, string, class, or even a template class(yes, templates can be nested with each other).

After defined, Rov could validate the specific data. Suppose the specific data data:

  data = {
    :name => "Scarlet",
    :age => 30,
    :sex => :female,
    :email => "",
  validator =
  status, error_msg = validator.do_validate(data)

do_validate method return two value: the first is the result if validated or not, and the second one is error massage if validation fails.

Advanced Usage

Required Keys

If your hash object must contain several specified keys, you can use instance variable @required. @required must be given an array, element in which must present in specific data, or validation will fail. By default, @required is an empty array. that means the specific data can an empty hash.

For Example:

  class Person < Rov::Template
    @template = {
      :name => kind_of(String),
      :age => kind_of(Fixnum),
      :sex => any_of([:male, :female]),
      :email => kind_of(String),
    @required = [:name, :age]

As definition, the specific Person data must contain :name and :age.

Ordered Array

If the template is given an array, then the specific data must be included in the array. By default, there is no restriction on the order of the elements. But there is a instance variable @ordered for restriction on the order. If @ordered will be set true, Rov will validate the specific array with the order which defined in template.

List of Template Methods

There are five available template methods:

  • any_of()

As you known, any_of() means the specific data should be included in the given array. It can be used anywhere, such as hash's key:

  class People < Rov::Template
    @template = {
      any_of(names) => Person,

Suppose the argument of any_of() names is an array which contains many names.

Besides, this example shows how to nested template in other template.

  • kind_of()

  • instance_of()

The difference with kind_of() is that instance_of() can not be an instance of the class's child class.

  • in_range()

This method takes an object of Range, and the specific data should be included in it.

  • anything()

This function does not accept any arguments. Any specific data will be validated if the template data is defined with anything().

Custom Template Method

You can define new template method. Template method should return a class inherited from Rov::Template, like defining template class. In the class, two things must be presented, @template and validate_method().

@template is same as @template in the template class. And validate_method() returns a method by which Rov validates the specific data.

For example, it defines a method email() to validate specific data must be a email address.

  def email()
    email_cls = do
      # @template =
      def validate_method
        m = lambda do |actual_value|
          if actual_value.is_a?(String) and
              (actual_value =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+\-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-.]+$/) == 0
            [true, ""]
        return m
    return email_cls

Because the format of email address is unchanged, the template should be a constant( the regex), so there is only validate_method() in email(). The method that returned by validate_method() return two value(status and an empty string) if validation succeed. If validation fails, just call raise_validation_error() with a symbol.

Another example:

  def start_with(str)
    start_with_cls = do
      @template = str

      def validate_method
        m = lambda do |actual_value|
          if actual_value.start_with?(self.get_template_value)
            [true, ""]
        return m
    return start_with_cls

There is a method named start_with() to make sure that specific data must start whit a certain string.

  class Str < Rov::Template
    @template = start_with("abc")

  validator =
  status, error_msg = validator.do_validate("abcdef") # succeed

Custom Validation Method

Sometimes, you may have some special requirements. Rov provides you a way to define your custom validation method.

  class Person < Rov::Template
    @template = {
      # ...
      :email => kind_of(String),
      :address => kind_of(String),
      :zip_code => kind_of(Fixnum),

    def validate(actual_value)
      r = [actual_value[:address], actual_value[:zip_code]]
      return ((not r.any?) or r.all?)

You can define Rov::Template#validate method to implement your custom method.

Rov::Template#validate() takes one argument actual_value which is specific data. The example above means the keys :address and :zip_code are either both presented, or both not.

Simple Way Defining Template

Rov provides a simple way to define a templete, if the template is not complicated. With Rov::Template.create_template(), you don't need to define a class for each template.

  person_cls = Rov::Template.create_template({:name => kind_of(String), :age => kind_of(Fixnum)})
  validator =

Stringlized Object

When object is returned by http server, the validation will fails if the object contains symbol object. All symbol objects are changed to string object.

Rov provides a validation argument :json, which will change symbol to string in template, even the Symbol class.

  data = {
    "name" => "Scarlet",
    "age" => 30,
    "sex" => "female",
    "email" => "",
  validator =
  status, error_msg = validator.do_validate(data, :json => true)

The data above is correct as expected.

If kind_of(Symbol) was defined in template, :json will change it to kind_of(String).

In the example Custom Validate Method we use the term actual_value[:address], :json will make actual_value with_symbol_access hash, whose string key can be accessed by the symbol value.

So don't worry if the difference between string and symbol.

Changing Template

After defined, temlate can still be changed. Just as follows:

  # change valude of key :name
  Person.template[:name] = Rov::Template.anything

  # change the whole template
  Person.template = new_template


Ruby Object validator







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