The PikaBus library is a wrapper around pika to make it easy to implement the messages, events and command pattern, as described in detail here:
- Secure messaging with amqp enabled by default, which includes:
- Durable and mirrored queues on all nodes.
- Persistent messages, meaning no messages are lost after a node restart.
- Delivery confirms with RabbitMq publisher confirms.
- Mandatory delivery turned on by default to guarantee at least once delivery.
- Object oriented API with short and easy-to-use interface.
- Fault-tolerant with auto-reconnect retry logic and state recovery.
pip install PikaBus
import pika
import datetime
from PikaBus.abstractions.AbstractPikaBus import AbstractPikaBus
from PikaBus.PikaBusSetup import PikaBusSetup
def MessageHandlerMethod(**kwargs):
A message handler method may simply be a method with som **kwargs.
The **kwargs will be given all incoming pipeline data, the bus and the incoming payload.
data: dict = kwargs['data']
bus: AbstractPikaBus = kwargs['bus']
payload: dict = kwargs['payload']
if payload['reply']:
payload['reply'] = False
# Use pika connection params to set connection details
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('amqp', 'amqp')
connParams = pika.ConnectionParameters(
# Create a PikaBusSetup instance with a listener queue, and add the message handler method.
pikaBusSetup = PikaBusSetup(connParams,
# Start consuming messages from the queue.
# Create a temporary bus to subscribe on topics and send, defer or publish messages.
bus = pikaBusSetup.CreateBus()
payload = {'hello': 'world!', 'reply': True}
# To send a message means sending a message explicitly to one receiver.
bus.Send(payload=payload, queue='myQueue')
# To defer a message means sending a message explicitly to one receiver with some delay before it is processed.
bus.Defer(payload=payload, delay=datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), queue='myQueue')
# To publish a message means publishing a message on a topic received by any subscribers of the topic.
bus.Publish(payload=payload, topic='myTopic')
input('Hit enter to stop all consuming channels \n\n')
Clone PikaBus repo:
git clone
Start local RabbitMq instance with Docker:
docker run -d --name rabbit -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=amqp -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=amqp -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management
Open RabbitMq admin (user=amqp, password=amqp) at:
Then, run the example:
pip install PikaBus
python ./Examples/
Try restarting RabbitMq to notice how PikaBus tolerates downtime:
docker stop rabbit
docker start rabbit
Send or publish more messages to the running PikaBus consumer with:
python ./Examples/
python ./Examples/
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The project is licensed under the MIT license.
This software follows Semantic Versioning