Check the latest Jakarta EE Faces Example project.
Java EE 8 and Glassfish v5 had beed released for a few days, I also spend some time to update to the last specificaitons brought by Java EE 8. This sample application will show how to build a traditional MVC application using Java EE 8 new features.
The following specifications are used in this sample appliacation:
- JSF 2.3
- JPA 2.2(and EJB, JTA) for database operations
- CDI 2
- Bean Validation 2
- Java EE Security 1.0
You could have embraced some Agile methodology in your projects, such as Scrum, Kanban, TODO list etc. This sample application can be considered as a simple Kanban like applicaiton, I name it Taskboard.
In the initial version, it could includes the following features:
- Display tasks in Swimlan view(split by status)
- Create and update task(requires authentication)
- Delete task if it is done
I have also created some some variants to demonstrate varied technology stack in the past, you can browse which you are interested in.
- Spring MVC with Apache Tiles and JSP
- Spring MVC with Freemarker
- Spring MVC with Thymeleaf
- Spring and JSF 2
- Spring MVC for RESTful APIs
- JSR 371: MVC 1.0(JSR 371 was finally cancelled in Java EE 8)
- JSR 371: MVC 1.0 with Facelets Template Engine
To try this appliacation in your local system, make sure you have already installed the following software.
- Oracle Java 8
- Apache Maven
- NetBeans IDE, NetBeans 9 nightly is recommended.
- Glassfish v5
Clone the source codes from github.
git clone
Or check out the codes NetBeans IDE which have great Git support.
Now you can run it from mvn command line or NetBeans IDE.
mvn verify cargo:run
- Adds Glassfish in Server node in the Service view.
- Open the project(if you used NetBeans to check out the codes, it could be open by default)
- Right click the project node, and select Run to run this project on Glassfish.
Welcome to contribute this project, you can fork it and send a pull request, or share your idea on Github issues.