A helper package to maintain Github URLs
def deps do
{:updater, github: "happycodrz/updater"}
# create a wrapper Elixir project
$ mix new ex
# add updater deps
$ vim ex/mix.exs
{:updater, github: "happycodrz/updater"}
$ pushd ex ; mix deps.get ; mix compile ; popd
# configure Makefile (please make sure to use TABs for indentation!)
$ vim Makefile
export UPDATER_ROOT=$$(pwd)/jsonlibs; cd ex && mix update
# setup folder structure
$ mkdir -p jsonlibs/data
$ echo "https://github.com/michalmuskala/jason [] A blazing fast JSON parser and generator in pure Elixir." > jsonlibs/data/urls.txt
# create update-able Readme, example here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/happycodrz/updater/master/test/fixtures/Readme.md
$ touch jsonlibs/Readme.md
# run updater
$ make update_jsonlibs