Dockerize IBridgePy Platform: ( to do Algorithmic Trading in Python with Interactive Brokers.
This repo uses the 3.7 Ubuntu files as needed for IBridgePy (e.g., IBridgePy_Ubuntu_Python37_64). Deployment has been tested on Windows and macOS.
The Jupyter Image from --> base-notebook is used as a template. The b86753318aa1
tag is used since that tag uses Python 3.7
, the version we need for IBridgePy to work.
Pull this repo and change to the directory in the terminal.
cd <repo-directory>
Build container image (Only need to build for the first time/when altering container image):
docker build -t ibridgepy .
Launch container from built image:
docker run -p 10000:8888 -v "${PWD}":/home/jovyan/work ibridgepy
-- This mounts your current directory with IBridgePy files to the home directory of the Jupyter notebook. Hence you can transfer files from your local to Jupyter and edit them there.
The M1 Chip uses the ARM architecture as opposed to the x86 architecture. Hence, you need to use the docker buildx build
docker buildx build --platform=linux/amd64 -t ibridgepy .
To run, also specify the platform to run on:
docker run -p 10000:8888 --platform linux/amd64 -v "${PWD}":/home/jovyan/work ibridgepy
More information about docker buildx
can be found here:
Use the following docker commands to build and run the container on the windows command line:
docker build -t ibridgepy .
docker run -p 10000:8888 -v %cd%:/home/jovyan/work ibridgepy
Go to the Jupyter URL at Localhost, Port 10000:<TOKEN>
-- Change the token to the one that comes up in the terminal after Jupyter runs.
In the folder, /IBridgePy_Ubuntu_Python37_64
, you can run the
You will have to install TWS on Mac OS X. (
The ports and other settings need to be setup correctly. See this video:
Hopefully this is helpful. Let me know if it works well and/or if there are any issues.